Ultra Street Fighter 4 Omega Patch
- Ultra Street Fighter 4 Omega Patch Effects
- Ultra Street Fighter 4 Omega Patch Notes
- Ultra Street Fighter 4 Trainer
Capcom has announced that it intends to distribute a free DLC later this year, titled Omega Mode, introducing a number of network fixes and a fun new game mode.

Omega Mode introduces a substantial change into the way the extensive roster of characters measure up to each other, changing both standard and special moves in a way that's meant to offer gamers a fresh experience.
The mode will be introduced in a future patch, and is meant to focus on fun rather than balance, and as such will only be available online for unranked games.
Ultra Street Fighter 4 Omega Patch Effects
Darkstalkers 2 Darkstalkers 3 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Marvel Super Heroes Street Fighter 2 Turbo Street Fighter 3 Third Strike Street Fighter Alpha 3 Street Fighter X Tekken SSF2T HD Remix Ultra. I am able to play with Omega (v 1.04 patch) character in training mode but I am not able to select it while playing against computer in arcade mode. Browse other questions tagged ultra-street-fighter-iv or ask your own question. Screenshot of the Week Sam Porter Bridges on.
Omega Mode will be much more exciting, but less balanced
Official tournaments will continue to use the default fighter tuning, as that offers gamers the most balanced and skill-intensive experience.

'For those wondering, Omega mode is a completely new mode in which every character has been modified and outfitted with new normal and special attacks, resulting in a refreshing take on the characters you've come to know and love over the last six years.'
'As the primary goal for this mode was fun, we placed more emphasis on making the characters feel new, than on their balance. This means that strong, fan favorite attacks such as Ken's Shinppu Jinrai Kyaku and Sagat's Tiger Raid make their return while other characters such as Zangief gain new abilities, like being able to combo into his command throws,' Peter 'ComboFiend' Rosas writes on the Capcom Unity blog.
In case you're wondering how exactly the characters will be tweaked, you can check out the video below, showing Rosas taking the Omega Mode for a spin.
Ultra Street Fighter 4 Omega Patch Notes

Patch 1.04 will improve the online experience
Furthermore, in addition to the patch delivering Omega Mode, Capcom also intends to address some of the issues reported by the fighting game's fanbase, such as adding the delayed wake up option to the training mode dummy, in order to enable gamers to hone their skills, as well as addressing some online issues experienced by PC users.
Some additional fixes will include the changes introduced to Decapre and Rolento in the Ver B. patch reverted, and Cody's Light Ruffian Kick causing a hard knockdown against airborne opponents once again.
Ultra Street Fighter 4 Trainer
PC users reported that they could be pinged by people outside of ongoing matches, creating slowdown, and Capcom has made it so it won't be possible, in addition to some other connection fixes which should reduce online lag and other issues experienced by players.