State of Decay 2 Cheat FacilityThis video explains how to get the Cheat Facility and how to get you hands on it!We now officially sell the Cheat Facility an. State of Decay v14.6.5.3080 Update 15 and DLC trainer +11 State Of Decay Year One V1.04 trainer +15 State Of Decay Year One trainer +15 State of Decay cheats State of Decay trainer +11 State Of Emergency all access cheat State Of Emergency trainer +3 State Of Emergency trainer +3 (PizzaDox) State of War cheats State of War. State of Decay Cheat Codes: - Submitted by: David K.=Follow these steps=-. First off you’ll need to have Notepad or some other text editor that allows you to make a.cfg file. Go to Steam SteamApps common State of Decay Game. Create the 'System.cfg' file with the following codes inside it.
This mod fixes the contrast level in the game, which is the cause for the very solid shadows and very dark interiors in State of Decay. This mod disables damage to your car from hitting zombies and most freaks. This mod adds two real Crossbows (ranged weapon) to the State of Decay.

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding Avatar Award.
Award | How to unlock |
| - Train another enclave at your dojo.
| - Build an outpost in a Swine & Bovine.
| - Visit the cabins by Tanner Lake.
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock |
| - Kill 5 Bloaters (Breakdown Level 2 or Higher).
| - Perform 50 Zombie Executions (Breakdown Level 3 or Higher).
- The Mercenary (10 points)
| - Kill 5 Juggernauts (Breakdown Level 5 or Higher).
| - Stealth Kill 50 Zombies (Breakdown Level 5 or Higher).
| |
- The Sacrifice (10 points)
| - let your character die with a throw-able explosive, then use it just before dying (Breakdown Level 1 or Higher).
- The Scientist (15 points)
| |
| - Collect 150 Resources (Breakdown Level 4 or Higher).
Dawn Of The Dead references
The Savini residence is a reference to Tom Savini, who was responsible for the make-up and special effects in Dawn Of The Dead and its sequels.
The Snyder Trucking business is a reference to Zack Snyder, who remade Dawn Of The Dead.
Easy, Early Cardio Stat Grinding
At the start of a new game, head to the Ranger Station until you're in the 'Safe Zone' (aka that circle on the map where zombies cannot spawn/respawn). Once in the parking lot of the Ranger Station, either run to the left or to the right while turning the camera in the direction you're running. When stamina is depleted, stop and rest till it fills back up. Repeat and watch the Cardio levels rise! This will take a while, but seeing as the opening section of the game doesn't have any zombies worse than the normal ones (plus day cycles don't occur till AFTER you get to the church) this is a great time to build up this particular stat, thus giving you a heads up seeing as how important stamina is for such things as running, climbing walls, and melee fighting.
Evil Dead series reference
The Campbell Used Autos business is a reference to Bruce Campbell, who starred as Ash in the Evil Dead series.
Exceeding the maximum number of outposts
If you move to a large home base (County Fair, or Snyder Truck Warehouse) with 8 outposts, you can set them all up around whatever base you plan to move to before you actually move. If you're moving into a base with a low maximum outpost count (usually for scavenging reasons) just make sure you have all 8 in place where you want them before you move, and then move to a place with a lower maximum outpost count. You will still have all 8 outposts.
Plants vs. Zombies reference
One of the houses has a line of sunflowers in front of a row of lawnmowers in its front yard.
You can duplicate resources if you plan ahead. As you search for supplies, occasionally you will find Heath, Ammo, Fuel, or Food in packs. Once you do, press DOWN on the D-pad and you can choose 'Call for scavengers' to call someone to search the area. When you receive confirmation that someone is on the way, grab the resource pack. When the scavenger arrives, that same will be snagged a second time, in spite of the fact that you just took it. In this manner, you can obtain twice the supplies you should have received.
Shaun Of The Dead reference
The 'Simon & Nick Landscaping' signs that can be found are a reference to Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, who play the main characters in Shaun Of The Dead.
Gamerpic | How to unlock |
| - Kill a Feral zombie-type.
| - Kill a Juggernaut zombie-type.
As you are driving a vehicle, you can press and hold the left thumbstick to activate your vehicle's horn. Continue holding that button and press the BACK button to bring up the map. The car horn should still be sounding at that point. Now let go of the thumbstick and press BACK again. The horn should continue to blare, and will do so until you press in on the thumbstick again. This could prove useful in distraction missions.
Sam and other survivors occasionally say 'Everything’s coming up Milhouse!', which is a reference to an episode of The Simpsons where Milhouse says that line during a flood.
The Walking Dead reference
You can find a campaign sign reading 'Richard Grimes for sheriff' on a front lawn. This is a reference to Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead.
You can also find the Kirkman residence, which is a reference to Robert Kirkman, the creator of The Walking Dead graphic novels.
State Of Decay V13.11.5.8606 Cheat Codes Free
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock |
- Arrested Developments (10 points)
| - Saw things through at the courthouse.
| - Completed 50 missions or activities with the same character.
- Cannibal Family Picnic (5 points)
| - Got to the Mt. Tanner Ranger Station.
- Come and Knock On Our Door (10 points)
| - Convinced another enclave to join your community.
| - Performed a hand to hand double kill special attack.
- Everywhere You Look (20 points)
| - Got 15 people in your community.
- Get Outta My Dreams (10 points)
| - Killed one of each freak zombie type with your car.
- Get Yo' Freak On (10 points)
| - Killed one of each freak zombie type.
- Gotta Enjoy the Little Things (10 points)
| - Used a car door to kill a zombie.
| - Helped the Wilkersons resolve their differences.
| - Escaped Mt. Tanner and found the survivors at the church.
- Home Improvement (10 points)
| |
- Home on the Grange (10 points)
| - Played matchmaker for Quentin and Becca.
| - Destroyed 10 hordes in one day.
- I Can See My House From Here (10 points)
| - Completed a survey activity.
- I'll Be There For You (10 points)
| |
- It Was Just a Police Action (10 points)
| - Found out what the Army was up to.
| - Built one of every type of facility.
- Manifest Destiny (15 points)
| |
| - Killed a member of your community to prevent them from turning.
- Movin' On Up! (15 points)
| - Relocated your home base.
| - Destroyed 5 infestations in one day.
| - Maxed out a community member's Cardio skill.
| |
| - Killed 3 zombies with an exploding propane tank.
| |
- Trust Me, I'm an Expert (15 points)
| - Earned a skill specialization for one of your community members.
- Vehicular Zombicide (20 points)
| |
- Watch the Birdie! (10 points)
| - Distracted zombies to complete an objective.
- Ya Always Were An A-Hole Gorman (10 points)
| - Sacrificed your life in a blaze of glory.
Enter the house with the Plants vs. Zombies yard to find an Xbox 360 slim in the bedroom.
The 'Rule #1' achievement, awarded for reaching 7-stars in the Cardio attribute, is a reference to the Zombieland's main character's '#1 Rule', which was 'Cardio'.
Updated:09:09 AM CEST Jul,07
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State Of Decay Year One [trainer +15] Options: Inf.Health Inf.Stamina Inf.Ammo No Reload Fast Looting Inf.Resources Inf.Durability Inf.Items Inf.Silencer Instnat Radio Cooldown No Recoil Super Speed Always Morning Longer Day Edit Inventory Video
Notice: For editing inventory items you must first activate the cheat , Then get the required item id from the text file included with the trainer , Make sure to switch items which are similar to each other , For example change a gun to another gun , Ammo to another Ammo type , Consumable to another Consumable , Set the inventory slot which the current item you want to edit is on , Then click edit , Close the inventory then open it again and you will have the new item , Make sure you put the new item in the house storage then take it out and you will be good to go .
Credit to 'wawaee' + 'JT89701' For the list . Pistols 4000000A - G21 4000000B - G22 4000000C - M11 4000000D - MI.LE 4000000E - MK. 3 Target 4000000F - OHWS 40 4000001A - Toro Bravo 4000001B - Anvil 4000001C - Blackbird 4000001D - Diplomat 4000001E - River Snake (scoped Magnum) 4000001F - Safari 40000000 - G 17C 40000001 - BZ 75 40000002 - D 1911 40000003 - G 19 40000004 - G 26 40000005 - M9 40000006 - P 226 40000007 - 1911A1 Officer 40000008 - Condor (.50 Desert Eagle) 40000009 - G 20 40000010 - P 229 40000011 - Tac Master 1911 40000012 - X-Lock 40000013 - X-Lock Tactical 40000014 - BZ75 ST 40000015 - Carrier 1911 40000016 - Snub special 22 40000017 - Viper P357 40000018 - M 1917 40000019 - Model 29 SMGs 4000002A - Samurai PDW 4000002B - UMP40 4000002C - Uzi 4000002D - MP5k 4000002E - TMP9 40000020 - MP90 40000021 - MPS 90B 40000022 - MP5A3 40000023 - M1A1 40000024 - Super Z (kriss Vector) 40000025 - M-10 40000026 - Mini Uzi 22 40000027 - MP7A1 40000028 - P9 Forge 40000029 - PDS Assault Rifles 4000002F - Mk.16 Mod.0 4000003A - M6 MBR 4000003B - 416 CQB 4000003C - AUG A8 40000030 - AR-15 40000031 - AKMS 40000032 - AR-15 Custom 40000033 - AK47 40000034 - 416D 40000035 - ACR 40000036 - AK47 Custom 40000037 - M14 40000038 - M16A4 40000039 - M4A1 Rifles 4000003D - 700 Huntsman 4000003E - Sidekick rifle 4000003F - 10/22 rifle 4000004A - model 70 rifle 4000004B - Ranch King 4000004C - sks rifle 4000004D - Mk15 50 cal 4000004E - Monag 40000040 - 700 Huntsman Camo 40000041 - Varmint rifle 40000042 - 750 forester 40000043 - 983 squirrel 40000044 - bolt scout 40000045 - Dog leg 40000046 - M1 Garand 40000047 - 50 cal Barret 40000048 - Mini 14 40000049 - socom ETR II Shotguns 4000004F - hooker shotgun 4000005A - Model 870 T 4000005B - Warrior 4000005C - Russian 12k 4000005D - A12 4000005E - Warden 40000050 - Warrior Police 40000051 - Model 870 X 40000052 - Model 1100 40000053 - Model 1100 Malone 40000054 - Model 1100 Tactical 40000055 - 1300 Tactical 40000056 - 1300 Hunter 40000057 - 1300 Hunter SP 40000058 - A-Series Mod. 1 40000059 - M1014 Light Machine Guns 4000005F - M249 Saw 40000060 - M27 IAR 40000061 - M60E4 Grenade Launchers 40000062 - GL06 Riot 40000063 - Gl m32 Blunt Weapons 5000000A - cracked pipe 5000000F - Rusty Pipe 5000001A - Lead pipe 5000001B - Escrima Stick 5000001C - Bat 5000001D - Mace 5000001E - Baton 5000002B - crowbar 5000002C - Pipe Wrench 5000002D - Wrench 5000002E - Pipe Threader 5000002F - Hammer 50000000 - wooden branch 50000001 - 2x4 50000002 - 2x4 bracket 50000003 - 2x4 nails 50000004 - table leg 50000005 - golf club 50000009 - cane 50000010 - wooden bat 50000013 - poker 50000014 - baton 50000017 - prybar 50000018 - commorative hockey stick 50000019 - frying pan 50000025 - cricket bat 50000028 - nail puller Edged Weapons 5000000B - Rusty Kukri 5000000C - Fancy Machete 5000000D - Sword 5000000E - Calvary Saber 50000006 - rusty machete 50000007 - tomahawk 50000008 - hatchet 50000011 - machete 50000012 - kukri 50000015 - kama 50000016 - wakizashi 50000022 - short wakizashi 50000023 - broadsword 50000024 - Falchion Heavy Weapons 5000001F - Chopper 5000002A - Crusty Shovel 50000020 - edger 50000021 - Hoe 50000026 - sledgehammer 50000027 - axe 50000029 - shovel Ammo 1000000b - 7.62mm 10000000 - Shotgun shells 10000001 - Incendiary Shotgun shells 10000002 - Grenade Launcher Ammo 10000003 - 9mm 10000004 - .22 10000005 - .357 10000006 - .40 10000007 - .44 10000008 - .45 10000009 - .50 cal 1000000a - 5.56mm Misc 3000000A - Coffee 3000000B - Energy Drink 3000000C - Mild Stims 3000000D - Potent Stims 3000000E - Amphetamines 3000000F - Trucker Pills 3000001A - Mk2 Grenade 3000001B - Pipe Bomb 3000001C - Steel Pipe bomb 3000001D - Flares 3000001E - Box mind 3000001F - Flame Fougasse 3000002A - Machined Suppressor 3000002B - Junk 3000002C - Note 3000002D - Diary Page 3000002E - Diary Page 3000002F - Note 30000000 - PainKillers 30000001 - Acetaminophen 30000002 - Aspirin 30000003 - Ibuprofen 30000004 - Codeine 30000005 - Tussin 30000006 - Metadone 30000007 - Morphine 30000008 - Homemade Painkiller 30000009 - Snack 30000010 - Modafinil 30000011 - Firebomb 30000012 - Petrol Bomb 30000013 - Wilkerson Private Reserve 30000014 - Incendiary 30000015 - Chemical Incendiary 30000016 - Termite 30000017 - Frag Grenade 30000018 - Homemade Explosive 30000019 - M67 Grenade 30000020 - Whistling Box Mine 30000021 - S-mine 30000022 - Mine 30000023 - Artillery Marker (works without the radio) 30000024 - Firecracker 30000025 - Wind-up alarm clock 30000026 - Kitchen Timer 30000027 - Talking doll 30000028 - Improvised Suppressor 30000029 - Homemade Suppressor 5000003D - Cutting Machine Blade 5000003F - Tactical Tomahalk 5000005A - Cleo Axe 5000005B - Buzzball Bat 5000005C - Ice Axe 5000005D - Talwar 5000005E - Khanda 5000005F - Viking Sword 50000030 - Igorot Axe 50000031 - ****** Cutlas 50000033 - Movie Replica Axe 50000047 - Royal Igorot Axe 50000051 - Pry Knife 50000053 - Access Axe 50000057 - Cleo Trench Tool 50000058 - Cleo Machete 50000060 - Vampyr Slayer 50000061 - Wolf Sword 50000062 - Spartan Sword 50000063 - Orc Sword 50000064 - Hellchild Sword 50000065 - Folding Hatchet 50000048 - Heavy Kanabo 50000049 - Splitting Maul 50000050 - Firefighter Universal Tool 50000052 - Trusty Fire Axe 50000054 - Firefighter Brush Hook 50000055 - Fire Access Tool 50000056 - Cleo Wrecker 50000059 - Cleo Cra-B Large and Low Backpacks 20000020 - LG. Backpack 20000021 - LG. Backpack 20000022 - LG. Backpack 20000023 - LG. Backpack 20000024 - LG. Backpack 20000025 - LG. Backpack 20000026 - LG. Camo Backpack 20000027 - LG. Camo Backpack 20000028 - LG. Backpack 20000028 - LG. Backpack 20000029 - Low Backpack 2000002A - Kitty Kat School Backpack 30000019 - Improvised Explosive (IED) 30000044 - Artillery Marker 30000045 - Motor Marker 4000007F - TS-15 4000008A - AK-74 4000008B - G3 4000008C - G36c 4000008D - GAL SAR 4000008E - 552 Commando 4000008F - 552 CS 4000009D - Arctic Warrior 4000009F - M14 Talon DMR 40000064 - Mk-17 40000065 - FAL 40000066 - L85A1 40000067 - RFB assault rifle 40000068 - G-36 assault rifle 40000069 - PP-22 40000070 - P226-SG 40000071 - Automag 40000072 - P229-40 40000073 - MI.LE .45 40000074 - LGM RPK 40000079 - ELI .50 cal 40000083 - A12 - Custom Shotgun 40000085 - SMG UMP PRO .40 40000086 - M3 SMG 40000087 - MPX SMG .357 40000088 - 556S 40000089 - 556S SWAT 40000090 - TAR 21 Overwatch 40000091 - TAR 21 40000092 - VZ.58P 40000093 - XM8 40000094 - F45 40000095 - F45 Tactical 400000A1 Micro Dynamic Rifle 400000A2 Micro Dynamic Scoped Rifle 400000A3 Survivor 2k 400000A4 SVT-40 400000A5 T21 Carbine 9mm 400000A6 870 Aggressor AD 400000A7 870 Combat 400000B1 556 Grenade Launcher 40000B2 AK47 Grenade Launcher 400000B3 AKS 74U 400000B4 AKS 74U Valentine 400000B5 M4 Grenade Launcher 400000B6 Cleo Striker 40 400000B7 PX4 Storm 400000B8 Cleo Revo C 400000B9 Cleo LSW 400000C1 Cleo PDW 400000C2 Cleo GL40 Grenade Launcher 400000C3 Cleo DMR 400000C4 PP19 SMG 400000C5 DMG 40 400000C6 SKS Survivor 400000C7 Wingate Commando 400000AA - Skorpion Evo 3 A1 400000AB - G18 SMG 400000AC - 93 Raffica 400000AD - BZ 75 Automatic 400000AE - Lar-15 400000AF - Police Tactical SMG 400000BA - CLEO Revo-Shotgun 400000BB - 1187 Chop 400000BC - 1187 Nitro 400000BD - Super 90 KIWF 400000BE - R12K Dragon 400000BF - Burning Diplomatclick here to download (to unpack archives use: WinRar) Google Chrome Annoying Download warning - click here to solve the problem. if you cannot download trainer then go to Chrome/Firefox's settings, specifically to the Privacy settings and simply unchecking the 'Enable phishing and malware protection' option. |
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