Schwinn Serial Number Chart
This page provides year by year images and info quoted from Schwinn catalogs for the Varsity from 1951 to 1986.
The earliest number I have seen (I own the bike) is 1898 on a Model 22 Gents Roadster. This serial number runs parallel to the bearings (Fig. I am unsure how long this continued but I suspect not too much past the turn of the century. Certainly by the teens Schwinn was stamping their numbers in line with the crank.
Smartly stlyed 3-speed lightweight - moderately priced
- Model W-11S 26-inch
Ideal for sports or utility-favored by children and adults alike!
Superb styling and smooth performance makes the Varsity a top choice among lightweight enthusiasts. The 3-speed gear shift makes the miles roll by faster, and the front and rear hand caliper brakes assure safe, easy stops.
Add famous Schwinn construction and sleek beauty for even greater perfection. Equipped with chainguard, kickstand, and gleaming chrome rims. American-made by Schwinn- fully protected by the famous Schwinn Guarantee.
See the full 1951 Schwinn catalog.
Identify Schwinns produced before 1948 by looking for either of these serial numbers: B12818 or Z12993. Interpret the serial numbers of bikes produced between 1959 and 1964. Those Schwinn bikes produced before 1959 have no real system to numbering but the serials typically contain six or seven numbers or letters. Schwinn Serial Numbers, The Complete List! Important Information!! The following pages were created by Brian Crawford with the intent of sharing information with all bicycle enthusiasts!
Designed exclusively for the younger set!
1953 Schwinn Varsity
Schwinn Varsity for Ladies...
Superb styling and smooth performance makes the Varsity a top choice among lightweight enthusiasts.
The 3-speed gear shift makes riding easier, and front and rear caliper brakes assure safe stops.
- Boys Model No. W-115
- 26 inch model No. W615
Schwinn Varsity for Boys 20'
Schwinn construction and sleek beauty- plus equipment that includes 3 speed gears,front and rear hand caliper brakes, chainguard, kickstand and long lasting enamel finish. Fully protected by the famous Schwinn Guarantee.
- 24-inch model No. 235
Schwinn Varsity for Girls 20'
Smart styling that's sure to please! It's light and easy to handle with equipment that includes 3-speed gear shift, front and rearcaliper brakes, chainguard, kickstand and finished in a long-lasting enamel. Protected by the Schwinn Guarantee.
- 24-inch model No. W-735
See the full 1953 Schwinn catalog.
A fine quality lightweight with 3-speed gears.
1954 Schwinn Varsity
Superb styling and smooth performance make the Schwinn Varsity a favorite of students and adults alike. 3-speed gears and lightweightconstruction make peadaling easy... caliper hand brakes assure safe stops. And it's made in America by Schwinn!
- 26-inch Boys W-115
- 24-inch Boys W-215
Schwinn Varsity for Girls
- 26-inch Girls W-615
- 24-inch Girls W-715
See the full 1954 Schwinn catalog.
Here is a popular 3-Speed model at a moderate price - an ideal choice for touring, pleasure riding or utility.
1955 Schwinn Varsity
- Boys 26-inch Model W11
Its quality construction and smart styling make the Varsity a top favorite of discriminating cyclists. Available in 19”, 21” or 23” frame 19” only for girls.
- Schwinn Diamond 19”, 21” or 23” for boys
- 19” only for girls
FORK - Schwinn tubular.
REAR HUB - 3-speed
RIMS - Schwinn tubular S6, chrome.
TIRES - Shwinn Whirlwind 1 3/8”.
Colors - Opal red, blue or green; also black enamel
Shipping Weight lbs.
- W11 W61 26-inch Varsity 53 52
- W21 W71 24-inch Varsity 48 48
See the full 1955 Schwinn catalog.
A Favorite of students and adults alik, superbly styled for sports or utility- 3-speed gears, front and rear hand brakes, Schwinn quality construction throughout.
1956 Schwinn Varsity
Colors: Opal red, blue, green; also black enamel.
- Boys and Girls models in 26' and 24' sizes
See the full 1956 Schwinn catalog.
8 speed gear shaft.
Hooded caliper brakes.
Racing handlebars.
1960 Schwinn Varsity - 8 Speed
8-speed derailleur gears for speed ... 26' x 1 1/4' Schwinn rims and tires for durability. Choice of radiant red, blue, green, or black.
- Men's model only. Available in 19, 21, 23 inch frames ..... $69.95
See the full 1960 Schwinn catalog.
8 speed gear shaft. Hooded caliper brakes. Racing handlebars.
1961 Schwinn Varsity - 8 Speed
8-speed derailleur gears for speed ... 26' x 1 1/4' Schwinn rims and tires for durability. Choice of radiant red, blue, green, or black or white.
Men's model only.
- Available in 19, 21, 23 inch frames - $69.95 Add $2.00 for 23' frame
See the full 1961 Schwinn catalog.
10-Speed Gears! Hooded Caliper brakes! Sturdy Tubular Rims!
1962 Schwinn Varsity - 10 Speed
10-Speed Huret Derailleur, 50 to 91 gear.
Forged steel fork, Radiant red, radiant blue, radiant green.
- 26' size 19' frame, 209....$66.95
- 26' size 21' frame, 201....$66.95
- 26' size 23' frame, 203....$68.95
See the full 1962 Schwinn catalog.
10-speed gears! New 27' wheels! Nylon sports touring tires!
1963 Schwinn Varsity 10 Speed
10-speed huret derailleur, 45 to 100 gear.
Flamboyant lime, flamboyant red, radiant coppertone, radiant sky blue.
- 109-27' size 19' frame... $66.95
- 101-27' size 21' frame... $66.95
- 103-27' size 23' frame... $66.95
- 104-24' size............. $66.95
Varsity Tourist for Girls
10-speed gears!
Vivid new colors!
Sturdy tubular rims!
10-speed huret derailleur, new 27' wheels, nylon sports tourind tires, chrome plated fenders, forged steel fork.
Flamboyant lime, radiant coppertone, radiant sky blue.
- 159-Lightweight tourist.... $66.95
See the full 1963 Schwinn catalog.
An outstanding value in a 10 speed derailleur bicycle.
1964 Schwinn Varsity 10 Speed
Schwinn does it again. 38 to 96 gear (33 to 85 gear on a model 224), 27' x 1 1/4' sports touring tires, and Schwinn tubular rims (24' on model 224). Racing style handlebars and saddle, and largeflange Sprint hubs. Mudguards available at extra cost.
Colors: Flamboyant Lime, Radiant Coppertone, Sky Blue or Terra Cotta.
- 119 - Schwinn Varsity, 19' frame ............. $66.95
- 121 - Schwinn Varsity, 21' frame ............. $66.95
- 123 - Schwinn Varsity, 23' frame ............. $66.95
- 224 - Schwinn Varsity, with 24' wheels .... $66.95
Schwinn Men's Varsity Tourist
Easy riding 10 speed model with Sprint derailleur, 38 to 96 gear, tourist handlebars and saddle, chrome plated fenders. Schwinn tubular rims, 27' x 1 1/4' tires.
Colors: Flamboyant Lime, Radiant Coppertone, Sky Blue or Terra Cotta.
- 919 - Schwinn Varsity Tourist, 19' frame ............. $66.95
- 921 - Schwinn Varsity Tourist, 21' frame ............. $66.95
- 923 - Schwinn Varsity Tourist, 23' frame ............. $66.95
Schwinn Ladies' Varsity Tourist
Here's a bike that takes the drudgery out of pedaling, with easy to operate 10 speed, 38 to 96 gear, comfortable mattress saddle, tourist handlebars, chrome fenders.
Schwinn tubular rims, 27' x 1 1/4' tires.
Colors: Flamboyant Lime, Radiant Coppertone or Sky Blue.
- 169 - Schwinn Varsity Tourist ............. $66.95
See the full 1964 Schwinn catalog.
The most popular 10-speed model in the schwinn line.
1965 Schwinn Varsity 10 Speed
Sprint 10-speed derailleur, 38 to 96 gear, 27' x 1 1/4' sportstouring tires, sturdy Schwinn tubular rims, sports style drop handlebars and saddle, and large flange Sprint hubs.
Flamboyant lime, Radiant coppertone, Sky blue or violet.
- 119 Varsity Sport, 19' frame....$66.95
- 121 Varsity Sport, 21' frame....$66.95
- 123 Varsity Sport, 23' frame....$66.95
Varsity Sport
Fender equipped model
Smooth riding 10-speed lightweight. Chrome plated fenders, sports style drop handlebars, 27' x 1 1/4' sports touring tires, lightweight Schwinn tubular rims, Sprint saddle and large Flange Sprint hubs.
Flamboyant lime radiant coppertone, sky blue or violet.
- 219 Varsity Sport, 19' frame....$69.95
- 221 Varsity Sport, 21' frame....$69.95
- 223 Varsity Sport, 23' frame....$69.95
Varsity Tourist
Easy riding 10-speed touring model with Sprint derailleur, 38 to 96 gear, tourist style handle bars, comfortable mattresss saddle, chrome plated fenders, lightweight Schwinn tubular rims, 27' x 1 1/4' nylon sports touring tires, front and rear caliper brakes.
Radiant Coppertone, Sky blue or violet.
- 919 Varsity Tourist, 19' frame....$66.95
- 921 Varsity Tourist, 21' frame....$66.95
- 923 Varsity Tourist, 23' frame....$66.95
Ladies Varsity Tourist
Ten-speed gears take the work out of pedaling with this attractive lightweight.
Comfortable mattress saddle, tourist style handlebars, chrome fenders, Schwinn tubular rims, 27' x 1 1/4' nylon tires. Front and rear caliper brakes. Radiant Copertone,Sky blue or violet.
- 169 Varsity Tourist....$66.95
See the full 1965 Schwinn catalog.
The popular Schwinn Varsity 10-speed sports bicycle equipped for all-weather riding.
1966 Schwinn Varsity 10 Speed
with fenders 10-speed
All specifications same as Schwinn Varsity Sport, but with fenders, Radiant Coppertone, Sky blue, Violet.
- 219 Varsity Sport, 19' frame....$74.95
- 221 Varsity Sport, 21' frame....$74.95
- 223 Varsity Sport, 23' frame....$74.95
Schwinn varsity Sport
First choice of value minded sports cyclists. Sprint derailleur, 38 to 96 gear, caliper brakes, hooded brake levers, Srint racingstyle saddle, sport pedals, 27' x 1 1/4 sports touring tires. Radiant Coppertone, sky blue, violet.
- 119 Varsity Sport, 19' frame....$69.95
- 121 Varsity Sport, 21' frame....$69.95
- 123 Varsity Sport, 23' frame....$69.95
Try this Test for Yourself...
Demonstrate the extra power you can get by riding in the crouch position with drop handlebars. Sit erect in a straight chair with both feet flat on the floor in front of you in normal position. Press down and notice the limited amount of force you exert. Now lean forward and move your feet back under your body.
Now you can lift yourself out of the chair with the increased leverage. This same principle greatly increases your pedal power when you ride with drop bars in the crouch position used by all professional riders.Once you master it, you'll never ride in any other way.
Schwinn Varsity Tourist
Smooth-riding touring lightweight with Sprint derailleur, 38 to 96 gear, comfortable mattress saddle, chrome plated fenders, frontand rear caliper brakes, touring handlebars, 27' x 1 1/4 nylon sports touring tires.
Radiant coppertone, sky blue, violet.
- 919 Varsity Tourist, 19' frame....$69.95
- 921 Varsity Tourist, 21' frame....$69.95
- 923 Varsity Tourist, 23' frame....$69.95
Schwinn Ladies' Varsity TOurist
High performance in a smartly styled tourist model, Sprint derailleur, 38 to 96 gear, chrome plated fenders, front and rear caliperbrakes, comfortable mattress saddle, 27' x 1 1/4' nylon cord sports touring tires. Radiant Coppertone, SKy blue, Violet.
- 169 Varsity Tourist. 19' frame....$69.95
See the full 1966 Schwinn catalog.
Real sports bike fun for the value minded cyclist.
1967 Schwinn Varsity Sport
Wide range 10 speed derailleur with Twin-Stik gear shift controls get you where the action is. New durable and comfortable racing style saddle, caliper brakes, sports pedals, 27' x 1 1/4' Schwinntouring tires.
Colors: Campus Green, Coppertone, Sky Blue.
- 119 - 27' Varsity Sport, 19' frame .... $72.95
- 121 - 27' Varsity Sport, 21' frame .... $72.95
- 123 - 27' Varsity Sport, 23' frame .... $72.95
Schwinn Varsity Sport
All weather sports model with 10-speed gears, ideal for campus or everyday use, makes a fine exercise bike. 10 speed derailleur, 36 to 98 gear. Convientent Twin-Stik gear controls. All specifications the same as 119, 121, 123 models, but with fenders.
Colors: Coppertone, Sky Blue, Violet.
- 219 - 27' Varsity Sport, 19' frame .... $77.95
- 221 - 27' Varsity Sport, 21' frame .... $77.95
- 223 - 27' Varsity Sport, 23' frame .... $77.95
Schwinn Varsity Tourist for Boys
Cycle your way to pep and fitness aboard this smooth riding lightweight.
Men's Lightweight Tourist Bikes
10 speed gears
10-speed derailleur, wide range 38 to 96 gear, Twin-Stik gearshaft controls, tourist handlebars, front and rear caliper brakes, Schwinn 27' x 1 1/4' sports touring tires.
Colors: Campus Green, Coppertone, Sky Blue.
- 919 - 27' Varsity Tourist, 19' frame .... $72.95
- 921 - 27' Varsity Tourist, 21' frame .... $72.95
- 923 - 27' Varsity Tourist, 23' frame .... $72.95
Schwinn Varsity Tourist for ladies'
You'll enjoy the easy handling and smooth riding qualities of this popular tourist model. Elegantly styled with 10-speed derailleur, easy operating Twin-Stik gearshift controls, chrome plated fenders, front and rear caliper brakes, Schwinn 27' x 1 1/4' nylon sports touring tires, new specially designed chainguard.
Colors: Campus Green, Coppertone, Sky Blue.
- 169 - 27' Ladies' Varsity Tourist ... 19' frame $72.95
See the full 1967 Schwinn catalog.
All-weather sports model with 10-speed gears.
1968 Schwinn Varsity Sport
Real sports bike fun for the value-minded cyclist. Convenient Twin-Stil gearshift controls, 10-speed derailleur, 38 to 100gear, durable racing style saddle, caliper brakes, sports pedals, Schwinn 27' x 1 1/4' touring tires.
Colors: Campus Green, Coppertone, Sky Blue.
- 119 27' Varsity Sport, 19' frame.....$74.95
- 121 27' Varsity Sport, 21' frame.....$74.95
- 123 27' Varsity Sport, 23' frame.....$74.95
Schwinn Varsity Sport
Ideal for everyday use. Convenient Twin-Stik gearshift controls, 38 to 100 gear. All specifications the same as 119, 121, 123 models, but with the addition of fenders.
Colors: Campus green, Coppertone, Sky blue.
- 219 27' Varsity Sport, 19' frame.........$79.95
- 221 27' Varsity Sport, 21' frame.........$79.95
- 223 27' Varsity Sport, 23' frame.........$79.95
Schwinn Varsity Tourist for mens'
A handsome, smooth riding lightweight that's pleasure to ride.
10-speed derailleur, 38 to 96 gear, patented Twin-Stik gearshiftcontrols, tourist handlebars, front and rear caliper brakes, Schwinn 27' x 1 1/4' sports touring tires. COlors: campus green,Coppertone, Sky blue.
- 919 27' Varsity Tourist, 19' frame.....$74.95
- 921 27' Varsity Tourist, 21' frame.....$74.95
- 923 27' Varsity Tourist, 23' frame.....$74.95
Schwinn Varsity Tourist for ladies'
High performance in a touring bike for the action-minded girl.
Ladie's Lightweights with Derailleur Gears
Popular lightweight steel frame styling with 10-speed derailleur, 38 to 100 gear, easy-to-reach Twin-Stik gearshift controls. chrome plated fenders, front and rear caliperbrakes, sprocket chainguard, Schwinn tubular rims, 27' x 1 1/4' nylon sports touring tires, comfortable mattress saddle,built-in kickstand.
Colors: Campus green, Coppertone, Sky blue.
- 169 27' Ladies Varsity Tourist, 19' frame.........$74.95
See the full 1968 Schwinn catalog.
Year after year, the Varsity has proven itself as the best selling sports bike in the Schwinn line. All three versions of the Varsity are equipped with Schwinn`s line.
1969 Schwinn Varsity Sport
Varsity Bikes for Men
All three versions of the Varsity are equipped with Schwinn's rugged diamond type steel frame, convenient Twin-Stik gear shift controls, 10-speed derailleur, 38 to 100 gear, sprocket chainguard, Schwinn27' x 1 1/4' sports touring tires.
Colors: Campus Green, Sierra Brown, sky blue.
The all-weather sports model that's ideal for everyday use. Chrome plated fenders, drop handlebars, racing saddle, dual-position caliper levers and sports pedals.
- 219 27' Varsity Sport, 19' frame............$86.95
- 221 27' Varsity Sport, 21' frame............$86.95
- 223 27' Varsity Sport, 23' frame............$86.95
Schwinn Varsity Sport
Real sports bike fun. Equipped with durable racing style saddle, dual-position caliper levers, drop handlebars and sportspedals.
- 219 27' Varsity Sport, 19' frame............$81.95
- 221 27' Varsity Sport, 21' frame............$81.95
- 223 27' Varsity Sport, 23' frame............$81.95
Schwinn Varsity Tourist for mens'
A handsome, smooth riding tourist model with chrome plated fenders, torist style handlebars, deluxe mattres saddle, bow type pedals.
Men's Collegiate Models
The budget priced lightweight tourist bikes with derailleur geats that open the door to cycling enjoyment. Each of the threereliable Collegiate models has as standard equipment, 5-speed derailleur, 43 to 85 gear, patented single-Stik gear shiftcontrol, 26' x 1 3/8' touring tires.
Colors: Campus green, Sierra brown, Sky blue.
- 919 27' Varsity Sport, 19' frame............$81.95
- 921 27' Varsity Sport, 21' frame............$81.95
- 923 27' Varsity Sport, 23' frame............$81.95
Schwinn Varsity Tourist for ladies'
Smart appearance in a touring bike for the action-minded girl. Easy to reach Twin-Stik gear shift controls, 10-speed derailleur,30 to 100 gear, chrome plated fenders, front and rear caliper brakes, sprocket chainguard, Schwinn tubular rims, 27' x 1 1/4'nylon sports touring tires, mattress saddle.
Colors: Campus green, Sierra Brown, Sky blue.
- 169 27' Ladies Varsity Tourist, 19' frame.......$81.95
See the full 1969 Schwinn catalog.
An outstanding Schwinn lightweight bicycle with features and equipment usually found on bikes costing much more.
1970 Schwinn Varsity Sport
Diamond style lightweight frame, Twin-Stik gear shift controls, 10-speed derailleur, 38 to 100 gear, sprocket chainguard, 27' x 1 1/4' sportstouring tires, drop handlebars, racing style saddle, dual-position caliper brake levers. Colors: Sierra Brown, Sky blue, campusgreen and white.
With Chrome Fenders
- 219-9 27' Varsity Sport, 19' frame........$87.95
- 211-9 27' Varsity Sport, 21' frame........$87.95
- 213-9 27' Varsity Sport, 23' frame........$87.95
Without Chrome Fenders
- 119-9 27' Varsity Sport, 19' frame........$81.95
- 121-9 27' Varsity Sport, 21' frame........$81.95
- 123-9 27' Varsity Sport, 23' frame........$81.95
See the full 1970 Schwinn catalog.
The hi-stlye lightweight bicycle with selected features and equipment usually found on models costing much more.
1971 Schwinn Varsity
Diamond style lightweight frame in three new sizes, Twin-Stik gear shift controls, 10-speed derailleur, 38 to 100 gear, sprocket chainguard, 27' x 1 1/4' sports touring tires, drop handlebars, racing style saddle, dual-position caliper brake levers.
Colors: Sierra Brown, Orange, Lemon, and Campus Green.
With Chrome Fenders
- 220 Varsity Sport, 20' frame........$96.95
- 222 Varsity Sport, 22' frame........$96.95
- 224 Varsity Sport, 24' frame........$96.95
Without Chrome Fenders
- 220 Varsity Sport, 20' frame........$89.95
- 222 Varsity Sport, 22' frame........$89.95
- 224 Varsity Sport, 24' frame........$89.95
Schwinn Varsity Sport for ladies'
Fine Quality Lightweights Designed for Gals on the Go
New for 1971! A genuine sports style bike for the girls who wants 'more' from cycling. Lightweight frame, Twin-Stik gear shift controls, 10-speed derailleur, 38 to 100 ratio, sprocket style chainguard, 27' x 1 1/4' sports tires, drop handlebars, sports saddle, dual-position caliper brake levers.
In choice of Colors: Sierra Brown, Sky blue, campus green, Orange, and lemon.
(More available with fenders at slight extra cost.)
- 169 Ladies Varsity 19' frame........$89.95
- 171 Ladies Varsity 21' frame........$89.9
See the full 1971 Schwinn catalog.

At home, on the campus, in town, or on a country lane.
1972 Schwinn Varsity Sport
Selected features and equipment usually found on bikes costing much more. Diamond style lightweight frame, Twin-Stick gear shift controls, 10-speed derailleur, 38 to 100 gear, 27' x 1 1/4' sports touring tires, drop handlebars, and dual position brake levers. Four frame sizes.
Colors: Kool Lemon, Sierra Brown and Campus green.
- Model 120 20' frame Varsity .......... $89.95
- Model 122 22' frame Varsity .......... $89.95
- Model 124 24' frame Varsity .......... $89.95
- Model 126 26' frame Varsity .......... $89.95
- Model 220 20' frame Varsity ......... $96.95
- Model 222 22' frame Varsity ......... $96.95
- Model 224 24' frame Varsity ......... $96.95
- Model 226 26' frame Varsity ......... $96.95
Schwinn Varsity Sport for ladies'
Want more from cycling?
Want to feel the thrill of the control and performance you can only get from 10-speed gears? Want a smooth, effortless ride you've never felt before? Then the Schwinn Varsity is you choice.
Lightweight frame, Twin-Stick gear shift controls, 10-speed derailleur gears, 38 to 100 ration, sprocket style chrome plated chainguard, 27' X 1 1/4' sports tiers, drop handlebars, sports saddle, dual position caliper brakes, leers and a wide.
Choice of colors. Model available with finder at a slight extra cost.
Choice of colors: Sierra Brown, Campus Green and Kool Lemon.
- Model 169 19' frame Varsity .............. $ 89.95
- Model 171 21' frame Varsity .............. $ 89.95
Schwinn 24-inch wheel Varsity Sport for boy's
Boys Bikes
In response to public demand Schwinn has designed a new 24' lightweight with the same Schwinn Quality features as the full size models . . . now the thrills and excitement of 10-speed cycling are ready for the growing boy.
Take a look at the special diamond style lightweight frame, drop handlebars, Schwinn-Approved derailleur gears, dual position caliper brakes, Schwinn Twin-Stik gear shift controls-up front where they belong. Schwinn-Approved racing saddle. No other bike in the 24-inch size offers so much . . .no other bike is so exciting.
Choice of colors: Kool Lemon, Sierra Brown, or Campus Green.
- Model 144 24-inch VARSITY SPORT ..... $89.95
See the full 1972 Schwinn catalog.
At home, on the campus, in town, or on a country lane.
1973 Schwinn Varsity Sport
Selected features and equipment usually found on bikes costing much more.Diamond style carbn steel frame, Twin-Stik gear shift controls, 10 speed derailleur, 38 to 100 gear, 27' x 1 1/4' gumwall tires,drop handlebars, and dual position brake levers. Four frame sizes. Wt. 38 - 41 lbs., depending on frame size.
Colors: Kool Lemon, Sunset Orange, or Campus Green.
Varsity Sport Without Fenders
- Model 120 20' frame Varsity ........$102.95
- Model 122 22' frame Varsity ........$102.95
- Model 124 24' frame Varsity ........$102.95
- Model 126 26' frame Varsity ........$102.95
Varsity Sport With Fenders
- Model 220 20' frame Varsity ........$109.95
- Model 222 22' frame Varsity ........$109.95
- Model 224 24' frame Varsity ........$109.95
- Model 226 26' frame Varsity ........$109.95
Schwinn Varsity Sport for girl's
Step up to Schwinn's most popular 10-speed.
And with good reason. The Varsity offers features usually found only on bicycles costing much more...Lightweight carbon steel frame, Twin-Stik gear shift controls,10-speed derailleur gears, 38 to 100 ratio sprocket style chrome plated chainguard, 27' x 1 1/4' gumwall tires,drop handlebars, sports style saddle, dual position caliper brake levers. Wt. 38-39 lbs., depending on frame size.Model available with fenders at extra cost.
Choice of colors: Sunset Orange, Campus Green or Kool Lemon.
- Model 169 19' frame Varsity..........$102.95
- Model 171 21' frame Varsity..........$102.95
Schwinn Varsity Sport for boy's
Now a genuine lightweight, 10-speed bicycle in a frame size especially scaled to fir boys.
24-inch wheel
New short-coupled rugged carbon steel frame and new narrow width drop handlebars, plus special 5 1/2' crank scaled for the smaller frame size. Schwinn- Approvedderailleurs gears, dual position caliper brake levers for sure control from any handlebar position; Schwinn Twin-Stik gear shiftcontrols up front where they belong. Schwinn- Approved racing type saddle. No other bike in the 24-inch size offers more sensiblefeatures... no other bike is so exciting. Choice of colors: Kool Lemon, Campus Green or Sunset Orange. Wt36 lbs.
- Model 144 24-in Wheel Varsity Sport.......$102.95
See the full 1973 Schwinn catalog.
Schwinn's most popular 10-speed lightweight bicycle and no wonder, with so many features usually found on bikes costing much more!
1974 Schwinn Varsity Sport
Diamond style carbon steel frame. Twin-Stik gear shift controls. 10-speed derailleur, 38 to 100 gear. 27' x 1 1/4' gumwall tires,drop handlebars, and dual position brake levers.
Choice of colors: Sunset orange, Opaque blue or Lime. Wt. 38-41 lbs., depending on frame sizes, and with or without fenders.
10-Speed Varsity Sport Without
- 120 20' frame Varsity ........
- 122 22' frame Varsity ........
- 124 24' frame Varsity ........
- 126 26' frame Varsity ........
10-speed Varsity Sport With Fenders
- 220 20' frame Varsity .......
- 222 22' frame Varsity .......
- 224 24' frame Varsity .......
- 226 26' frame Varsity .......
Schwinn Varsity Sport for girl's
The popular choice among girls who want features they'd expect on more expensive bikes... Lightweight carbon steel frame.
Twin-Stik gear shift controls, 10-speed derailleur gears, 38 to 100 ratio. Sproclet style chrome chainguard. New Schwinn-Approved comfort formsaddle. 27' x 1 1/4' gumwall tires, drop handlebars, dual position caliper brake levers. Model available with fenders at extra cost.Choice of colors: Sunset Orange, Opaque Blue or Lime. Wt. 38 lbs.
- 169 19' frame Varsity.........
- 171 21' frame Varsity.........
Schwinn Varsity Sport for boy's 24'
24-Inch Wheel 10-speed
An exciting ten-speed bike packed full of sensible features.
A sturdy sports tyle bike scaled down for the junior rider... short coupled carbon steel frame, 10-speed gears, dual position caliper brake levers for sure braking control from any handlebar position, narrow width drop handlebars, 5 1/2' crank scaledto smaller frame, Schwinn Twin-Stik gear shift controls, and racing type saddle.
Choice of colors: Sunset Orange, Opaque Blue or Lime. Wt. 36 1/2 lbs.
- 144 24' Wheel Varsity Sport.......
See the full 1974 Schwinn catalog.
Schwinn's most popular ten-speed lightweight style bicycle with features usually found on bicycles costing much more.
1975 Schwinn Varsity Sport
The Varsity Sport ranks as a 'best buy' and it's a great first ten-speed. The sleek, smooth linesof the diamond style carbon steel frame, and the tasteful use of chrome make the Varsity Sport deluxe in everyrespect. But the ride is make your ride an enjoyable trip... compare, feature-for-feature... in its class, it's a winner.
- Schwinn Varsity Sport- 20' frame Model 120
- Schwinn Varsity Sport- 22' frame Model 122
- Schwinn Varsity Sport- 24' frame Model 124
- Schwinn Varsity Sport- 26' frame Model 126
(Chrome finish fenders available on above models at extra cost.)
Frame: Schwinn designed and manufactured diamond style durable steel frame with forged steel fork.
Frame Finish: Chestnut, lime green, yellow.
Wheels: Schwinn tubular steel rims on Schwinn-Approved hubs.
Tires: 27' x 1 1/4' gumwall Schwinn-Approved Puff.
Handlebar and Stem: Drop style steel handlebar, forged steel stem.
Crank Set: Doubl-plateu Schwinn chain wheel assembly... lightweight one-piece crank. 39-52 teeth.
Pedals: Rattrap-style with reflectors.
Derailleurs and Gears: Rear cog: 14-17-20-24-28 teeth. Schwinn-Approved front and rear derailleurs.
Brakes: Dual position levers, side pull.
Saddle: Racing style.
Weight: 38 to 41 lbs. depending on frame size.
Note: Prices and specifications subject to change without notice.
Schwinn Varsity Sport for girl's
More of today's modern girls want a bike with ten-speeds with many of the features found on more expensive bikes, but at a value-lasting price.
They'd rather ust have fun on a fully-equipped bike. The Schwinn Varsity Sport is for them.. all the high performance features foundon more expensive bikes, but priced to make your pocketbook smile. Sport style drop handlebars and ten-speeds, too!
- Schwinn Varsity Sport- 17' frame Model 167
- Schwinn Varsity Sport- 19' frame Model 169
- Schwinn Varsity Sport- 22' frame Model 172
(Chrome finish fenders available on above models at extra cost.)
Frame: Schwinn designed and manufactured lightweight style durable steel frame with forged steel front fork.
Frame Finish: Chestnut, Lime Green, or Yellow.
Wheels: Schwinn tubular steel, rims on Schwinn-Approved hubs.
Tires: 27' x 1 1/4' gumwall Schwinn-Approved Puff.
Handlebar and Stem: Drop style steel handlebar and forged steel stem.
Crank Set: Double-plateau Schwinn-made chainwheel assembly...lightweight one-piece crank 39-52 teeth.
Pedals: Rattrap style with reflectors.
Derailleurs and Gears: Rear cog: 14-17-20-24-28 teeth. Schwinn-Approved front and rear derailleurs.
Brakes: Dual position levers, side pull.
Saddle: Racing style.
Weight: 38 to 41 lbs. depending on frame size.
Schwinn Varsity Sport 24'
A sturdy sports tyle bike scaled down for the junior rider.
24-Inch Wheel
Short coupled carbon steel frame, 10-speed gears, dual position caliper brake levers so rider has choice of riding in several handlebar position, narrow width drop handlebars, 5 1/2' crank scaled to smaller frame, Schwinn Twin-Stik gear controls, and racing type saddle. An exciting ten-speed bike packed full ofsensible features.
Choice of colors: Chestnut, Lime Green or Yellow. Wt. 36 1/2 lbs.
- Schwinn 24' Wheel Varsity Model 144
(Chrome finish fenders available on Model number 144 extra cost.)
Schwinn Varsity Sport for girl's 24'
24' Wheel
To answer the needs of thousands of growing who have been asking for a lightweight style 10-speed bike, here is the new 1975Schwinn 24-inch wheel Varsity Sport. In every detail the twin to the popular ladies 10-Speed Varisty. Scaled down to fit the smaller rider. Every safety feature, every high-performance component fount on the full-size Varsity is here. A perfect bikefor the outdoors minderd girl.
Choice of colors: Chestnut, Lime Green or Yellow. Wt. 36 1/2 lbs.
- Schwinn 24' Wheel Varsity Model 194
(Chrome finish fenders available on Model number 194 extra cost.)
See the full 1975 Schwinn catalog.
Schwinn's most popular ten-speed lightweight style bicycle with features usually found on bicycles costing much more.
1976 Schwinn Varsity Sport
Most Popular 10-Speed!
The Varsity Sport ranks as a 'best buy' and it's a great first ten-speed. The sleek, smooth lines of the diamond style carbon steel frame, and the tasteful use of chrome make the Varsity Sport deluxe in every respect. But the ride is what counts...your ride an enjoyable trip... compare, feature-for-feature... in its class, it's a winner. Schwinn quality lasts.
- Schwinn Varsity Sport- 20' frame Model 120
- Schwinn Varsity Sport- 22' frame Model 122
- Schwinn Varsity Sport- 24' frame Model 124
- Schwinn Varsity Sport- 26' frame Model 126
(Chrome finish fenders available on above models at extra cost.)
Frame: Schwinn designed and manufactured diamond style durable steel frame with forged steel fork.
Frame Finish: Chestnut, lime green, White. Flamboyant red. (White with bicentennial decaling.)
Wheels: Schwinn tubular steel rims on Schwinn-Approved hubs.
Tires: 27' x 1 1/4' gumwall Schwinn-Approved Puff.
Handlebar and Stem: Drop style steel handlebar and forged steel stem.
Crank Set: Double-plateu Schwinn chain wheel assembly... lightweight one-piece crank. 39-52 teeth.
Pedals: Rattrap-style with reflectors.
Derailleurs and Gears: Rear cog: 14-17-20-24-28 teeth. Schwinn-Approved front and rear derailleurs.
Brakes: Dual position levers, side pull.
Saddle: Racing style.
Weight: 38 to 41 lbs. depending on frame size.
Note: Prices and specifications subject to change without notice.
Schwinn Varsity Sport for girl's
More of today's modern girls want a bike with ten-speeds with many of the features found on more expensive bikes, but at a value-lasting price.
Most Popular 10-Speed!
They'd rather get their fun and healthfull exercise on a fully equipped bike. The Schwinn Varsity Sportis for them. All the high performance features found on more expensive bikes, but priced to make your pocketbook smile. Sport style drop handlebars and ten-speeds, too!
- Schwinn Varsity Sport- 17' frame Model 167
- Schwinn Varsity Sport- 19' frame Model 169
- Schwinn Varsity Sport- 22' frame Model 172
(Chrome finish fenders available on above models at extra cost.)
Frame: Schwinn designed and manufactured lightweight style durable steel frame with forged steel front fork.
Frame Finish: Chestnut, Lime Green, White, Flamboyant red. (White model with Bicentennial decaling.)
Wheels: Schwinn tubular steel rims on Schwinn-Approved hubs.
Tires: 27' x 1 1/4' gumwall Schwinn-Approved Puff.
Handlebar and Stem: Drop style steel handlebar and forged steel stem.
Crank Set: Double-plateau Schwinn-made chainwheel assembly...lightweight one-piece crank 39-52 teeth.
Pedals: Rattrap style with reflectors.
Derailleurs and Gears: Rear cog: 14-17-20-24-28 teeth. Schwinn-Approved front and rear derailleurs.
Brakes: Dual position levers, side pull.
Saddle: Racing style.
Weight: 38 to 41 lbs. depending on frame size.
Note: Prices and specifications subject to change without notice.
Schwinn Varsity Sport 24'
A sturdy sports tyle bike scaled down for the junior rider.
24-Inch Wheel
Durable Schwinn made carbon steel frame, 10-speed gears, dual position caliper brake levers so rider has choice of riding in several handlebar position; narrow width drop handlebar, 5 1/2' crank scaled to smaller frame, Schwinn Twin-Stik gear controls, and racing type saddle.
An exciting ten-speed bike packed full of sensible features.
Choice of colors: Chestnut, Lime Green, White, Flamboyant red. (White with Bicentennial decaling.) Wt. 36 1/2 lbs.
- Schwinn 24' Wheel Varsity Model 144
(Chrome finish fenders available on Model number 144 extra cost.)
Schwinn Varsity Sport for girl's
24' Wheel
To answer the needs of thousands of growing girls who have been asking for a lightweight style 10-speed bike, here is the Schwinn 24-inch wheel Varsity Sport. In every detail the twin to the popular ladies 10-Speed Varisty. Scaled down to fit the smaller rider. Every safety feature, every high-performance component found on the full-size Varsity is here. A perfect bike for the outdoors minderd girl.
Choice of colors: Chestnut, Lime Green, White Flamboyant Red. (White with Bicentennial deacaling.) Wt. 36 1/2 lbs.
- Schwinn 24' Wheel Varsity Model 194
(Chrome finish fenders available on Model number 194 extra cost.)
Note: Prices and specification subject to change without notice.
See the full 1976 Schwinn catalog.
Schwinn's most popular ten-speed lightweight style bicycle with features usually found on bicycles costing much more.
1977 Schwinn Varsity Sport
Most Popular 10-Speed!
The Varsity! Its durable quality Schwinn construction makes it a best buy that will last and last. The sleek, smooth lines of the diamond style carbon steel frame, and the tasteful use of chrome make the Varsity Sport deluxe in every respect. But the ride is what counts... and the improved ten-speed gears make your ride an enjoyable trip... compare, feature-for-feature... in its class, it's a winner. And five frame sizes means there's a Varsity to fit almost every rider, from teens up.
- Schwinn Varsity Sport- 17' frame (Camelback design)........$141.95
- Schwinn Varsity Sport- 20' frame Model 120........$141.95
- Schwinn Varsity Sport- 22' frame Model 122........$141.95
- Schwinn Varsity Sport- 24' frame Model 124........$141.95
- Schwinn Varsity Sport- 26' frame Model 126........$141.95
(Model availbale with chrome plated fenders at extra cost.)
Frame: Schwinn designed and manufactured diamond style durable steel frame with forged steel fork.
Frame Finish: Silver Mist, Flamboyant Red, Lime Green, and Sky Blue.
Wheels: Schwinn tubular steel rims on Schwinn-Approved large flange alloy hubs.
Tires: 27' x 1 1/4' Schwinn Puff gumwall.
Handlebar and Stem: Drop style steel handlebar and forged steel stem. (26' frame, forged aluminum stem.)
Crank Set: Double-plateu 39-52 Schwinn Built chain wheel assembly... lightweight style, heat treted. one-piece crank.
Pedals: Rattrap-style with reflectors.
Derailleurs and Gears: Rear cog: 14-17-20-24-28 teeth. Schwinn-Approved GT-275 front and GT-500 rear derailleurs.
Brakes: Dual position levers, side pull.
Saddle: Schwinn-Approved racing style, with molded pad.
Weight: Approx. 38 lbs. depending on frame size.
Note: Prices and specifications subject to change without notice.
Schwinn Varsity Sport for girl's
More of today's modern girls want an easy-to-handle ten-speeds with many of the features found on more expensive bikes, but at a value-packed price.
They'd rather get their fun and healthfull exercise on a fully equipped bike. The Schwinn Varsity Sport is for them.. all the high performance features found on more expensive bikes, but priced to make your pocketbook smile. Sport style drop handlebars and ten-speeds, too! One ride and you'll know why the Varsity is Schwinn's most popular derailleurbicycle.
- Schwinn Varsity Sport- 17' frame Model 167.........$141.95
- Schwinn Varsity Sport- 20' frame Model 170.........$141.95
- Schwinn Varsity Sport- 22' frame Model 172.........$141.95
(Model available with chrome plated fenders at extra cost.)
Frame: Schwinn designed and manufactured lightweight style durable steel frame with forged steel front fork.
Frame Finish: Lime Green, Flamboyant red, Flamingo and Sky blue.
Wheels: Schwinn tubular steel rims on Schwinn-Approved large flange alloy hubs.
Tires: 27' x 1 1/4' Schwinn Puff gumwall.
Handlebar and Stem: Drop style steel handlebar and forged steel stem.
Crank Set: Double-plateau 39-52 Schwinn-made chainwheel assembly...lightweight style, heat treated, one-piece crank.
Pedals: Rattrap style with reflectors.
Derailleurs and Gears: Rear cog: 14-17-20-24-28. Schwinn-Approved GT-275 front, and GT-500 rear derailleur.
Brakes: Dual position levers, side pull.
Saddle: Schwinn-Approved racing style, with molded pad.
Weight: Approximately 38 lbs. depending on frame size.
Note: Prices and specifications subject to change without notice.
Schwinn Varsity Sport 24'
A sleek sports tyle bike scaled down for the junior rider.
24-Inch Wheel
Durable Schwinn-built carbon steel frame, 10-speed gears, dual position caliper brake levers so rider has choice of riding in several handlebar position; narrow width drop handlebar, 5 1/2' crank scaled to smaller frame, Schwinn Twin-Stik gear controls, and racing type saddle. An exciting ten-speed bike packed full of sensible features.
Choice of colors: Silver mist, Lime green, Flamboyant red and Sky blue. Wt. 36 1/2 lbs.
- Schwinn 24' Wheel Varsity Model 144.........$141.95
(Chrome finish fenders available on Model number 144 extra cost.)
Schwinn Varsity Sport for girl's
24' Wheel
Answering the needs of thousands of growing girls who want a lightweight style 10-speed bike, here is the Schwinn 24-inch wheel Varsity Sport. In every detail the twin to the popular ladies 10-Speed Varisty. Scaled down to fit the smaller rider. Every convenient feature, every high-performance component found on the full-size Varsity is here. A perfect bike for the outdoors minderd girl.
Choice of colors: Lime Green, Flamboyant Red, Flamingo, and Sky blue. Wt. 36 1/2 lbs.
- Schwinn 24' Wheel Varsity Model 194........$141.95
(Chrome finish fenders available on Model number 194 extra cost.)
Note: Prices and specification subject to change without notice.
See the full 1977 Schwinn catalog.
Schwinn-built frame.
1978 Schwinn Varsity
Schwinn tubular rims.
10-speed derailleur.
Puff gumwall tires.
Men's Models:
- Model 117 (17' frame).......$146.95
- Model 120 (20' frame).......$146.95
- Model 122 (22' frame).......$146.95
- Model 124 (24' frame).......$146.95
- Model 126 (26' frame).......$146.95
Schwinn Varsity for girl's
Ladies' Models:
- Model 167 (17' frame).......$146.95
- Model 170 (20' frame).......$146.95
- Model 172 (22' frame).......$146.95
Colors: Chestnut, Flamboyant Red, Sky Blue.
Frame: Unique design and construction, electro-forged. Forged steel front fork.
Wheels: Schwinn-built chrome plated steel tubular rims. Schwinn-Approved large flange alloy hubs. 27' x 1 1/4' Schwinn Puff gumwall tires.
Handlebar: Taped, chrome plated drop style.
Stem: Forged steel. 26' model has forged aluminum stem.
Crankset: Patented Schwinn-built chainwheel with one piece forged steel crank.
Derailleurs: Schwinn Approved GT-290 front. Schwinn Approved GT-450 rear.
Gears: 39-52 front. 14-17-20-24-28 freewheel.
Brakes: Schwinn-Approved side pull with dual position levers.
Pedals: Rattrap with reflectorized.
Saddle: Schwinn-Approved comfort from racing style with vinyl cover.
Weight: Approximately 38 lbs.
Note: Prices and specifications subject to change without notice.
Schwinn Varsity Sport 24'
Lightweight styling for young riders.
24' Wheel for Young Boys
10-speed derailleur gears.
Dual position handbrakes.
Schwinn-built in Chicago.
- Model 144....$146.96
Colors: Chestnut, Flamboyant red, sky blue.
Chrome finish fenders available on both models at extra cost.
A sleek sporty bike scaled down for the junior rider. Durable Schwinn-built carbon steel frame, 10-speed gears, dual position caliper brake levers so rider has choice of riding in several handlebar positions; narrow width drop handlebar, 5 1/2' crank scaled to smaller frame, Schwinn Twin-Stik gear controls, and racing type saddle. An exciting ten-speed bike packed full of sensible features. Wt. 36 lbs.
Schwinn Varsity Sport 24'
24' Wheel for Young Girls
Lightweight styling for young riders.
10-speed derailleur gears.
Dual position handbrakes.
Schwinn-built in Chicago.
- Model 144....$146.96
Colors: Chestnut, Flamboyant red, sky blue.
Chrome finish fenders available on both models at extra cost.
A sleek sportly bike scaled down for the junior rider. Durable Schwinn-built carbon steel frame 10-speed bike, here is the Schwinn 24-inch wheel Varsity Sport. The twin to the popular full sized 10-Speed Varisty. Scaled down to fit the smaller rider... convenience features plus high-performance components found on the full-size Varsity. A perfect bike for the Sports minderd girl. Wt. 36 lbs.
Note: Prices and specifications subject to change without notice.
See the full 1978 Schwinn catalog.
The Schwinn Varsity is America's best-selling full-size 27 inch wheel 10-speed bicycle-year after year-famous for its smoothand easy riding quality and for its sturdy dependability under all riding conditions.
1979 Schwinn Varsity
Schwinn Electro-forged diamond style frame with Schwinn's forged steel fork, Schwinn's one piece crank with patented Schwinn-Built chainwheels and Schwinn's ownextra-strength tubular steel rims make the Varsity an unbeatable value in riding in performance and long-lasting, trouble-freeowner satisfactions.
Men's frame sizes
- 117 17'
- 120 20'
- 122 22'
- 124 24'
- 126 26'
Schwinn Varsity Sport for girl's
All in all, this winning combination of great Schwinn features- available only from Schwinn-make the Schwinn VarsityAmerica's Best Seller- and your best buy!
Although extra-strength features, together with a forged steel stem and heavy duty kickstand, add up to total weight of approximately38 pounds, the Varsity is nevertheless fast and easy to pedal because of its high quality, precifion made crank and wheel bearings,its low rolling resistance 27 x 1 1/4 inch Schwinn Puff gumwall tires and its resilient, perfectly aligned frame and drivingmechanism.
Ladies' frame sizes
- 167 17'
- 170 20'
- 172 22'
Assembled and fitted, ready to ride....$159.95
Colors: Cardinal Red, Sky Blue, Emerald Green.
Schwinn-Approved GT510 rear derailleur with jam free back pedal cage and Schwinn-Approved Maillard 5 cog hub with built inhigh-speed chain guard.
Schwinn-Built extra strength tubular steel rims with low rolling resistance 27 x 1 1/4' Schwinn Puff gumwall tires.
Schwinn-Approved GT20 front derailleur with special jam-free chain cage.
Forged steel stem and drop style steel handlebars with dual position brake levers.
Schwinn-Built extra strength forged steel fork with chrome crown cap.
Schwinn-Built Electro-forged diamond style steel frame of 18 gauge 1010 carbon steel with built in kickstand housing and weldedon cable guides.
Schwinn extra-strength forged steel one-piece crank with Dutarol bearings and patented Schwinn-built jam-free chain wheels.
Schwinn Varsity Sport 24'
- 24' Wheel 144 18' Boys 10-speed
Schwinn Varsity Sport 24'
In every detail the same outstanding features as the full size Schwinn Varsity Sport, Ameruca's best-selling 10-speed bicycle-but scaled down with 24-inch wheels to fit the younger rider.
- 24' Wheel 194 18' Girls 10-speed
Equipped with Schwinn- Approved Huret GT-510 rear derailleur with jam-freechain cage, Schwinn's extra strength one-piece forge steel cran with patented double plateau 39-52 tooth chainwheels, forgedsteel fork and Schwinn's own double-thickness tubular steel rims on Schwinn's electro forged frame for easy pedaling and long-lastingdependability.
- Assembled and fitted, ready to ride....$149.95
Colors: Sky blue, Cardinal red, Emeral Green.
See the full 1979 Schwinn catalog.
1980 Schwinn Varsity Sport
Colors: Emerald Green, Cardinal Red and Sky Blue.
Men's frame sizes
- 117-9 17'
- 120-9 20'
- 122-9 22'
- 124-9 24'
- 126-9 26'
Schwinn Varsity Sport for girl's
America's Favorite 10-speed Bicycle
Ladies' frame sizes
- 167-9 17'
- 170-9 20'
- 172-9 22'
Year after year, the Schwinn Varsity is America's favorite full-size 27-inch wheel 10-speed bicycle. Famous for its smoothand easy riding quality and its sturdy dependability under all riding conditions.
Extra-strength features, together with a forged steel stem and heavy duty kickstand, add up to total weight of approximately 38 pounds, but the Varsity is neverthelessresponsive and easy to pedal beacause of its high quality, precision made crank and wheel bearings, the low rolling resistance.
Complete specifications on pages 16 and 17.
Schwinn Varsity Sport 24'
Colors: Cardinal Red, Sky Blue and Emerald Green.
- Ten Speed 24' Wheel
In every detail the same outstanding features as the full size Schwinn Varsity Sport, America's favorite 10-speed bicycle- but scaled down with 24-inch wheels and a sloping top bar frame to fit the younger rider.
Equipped with Schwinn- Approved Huret GT-510 rear derailleur with jam-free chain cage, Schwinn's extra strength one-piece forge steel crank with patented double plateau 39-52 tooth chainwheels, forged steel fork and Schwinn's own double-thickness tubular steel rims on Schwinn's Electro-forged frame for easy pedaling and long-lasting dependability.
- 144-9 15 1/2' Boys'
Schwinn Varsity Sport
- 194-9 15 1/2' Girls'
Schwinn Deluxe Varsity
Ten Speed
1980 Schwinn Deluxe Varsity
Men's frame sizes
Colors: Emerald Green, Cardinal Red and Sky Blue.
- 417-9 17'
- 420-9 20'
- 422-9 22'
- 424-9 24'
Schwinn Deluxe Varsity for girl's
Amazingly easy, positive shifting sets the new Schwinn Deluxe Varsity apart from other 10-speed lightweights.
Ladies' frame sizes
- 467-9 17'
- 470-9 20'
It's equipped with a front freewheeling FF system and a Positron stem-mounted shift lever which moves each gear with a positive click-anunbeatable combination for riders new to 10-speed machines and a real convenience for experienced riders.
Schwinn Breeze Sports Touring 27 x 1 1/4' gumwall tires make this sturdy 37-pound 10-speed a joy to ride and easy to maintain.
Complete specifications on pages 16 and 17.
Schwinn Deluxe Varsity 24'
Ten-Speed 24' Wheel
- 444-9 18' Boy's
Schwinn Deluxe Varsity 24'
These junior size 10-speed Schwinn Deluxe Varsity bikes with 24-inch wheels for boys and girls, provide and a safe, comfortablefit for younger riders- plus front freewheeling FF and Positron gear shifting system. Ideal for beginners in 10-speed riding.
- 494-9 18' Girls'
Colors: Sky Blue, Emerald Green and Cardinal Red.
The front Freewheeling FF equipment protects against derailleur jam-ups from back-pedaling, and the Positron shifts from onespeed to another with a positive click to let the rider feel each gear change. Schwinn's own Electro-forged frame, forged forkand tubular steel rims assure great performance and unmatched durability with low maintenance cost.
See the full 1980 Schwinn catalog.
When you start to number the many virtues of the Schwinn Varsity, it is not difficult to undertand why this full-size, 10-speed bike wins honors, year after year, as America's favorite.
1981 Schwinn Varsity
Men's frame sizes
- 117 17'
- 120 20'
- 122 22'
- 124 24'
- 126 26'
- 144 24' wheels
Schwinn Varsity for girls'
Women's frame sizes
- 167 17'
- 170 20'
- 194 24' wheels
Colors: Sky blue. Cardinal Red.
The Varsity carries extra-strength features for younger riders, including a solid forged steel stem and crankset, chrome-plated steelchainrings, side-pull caliper brakes, tubular steel rims and wheel bearing make pedaling particularly smooth, aided by the perfectlyaligned Schwinn Electro-forged frame and sophisticated yet simple gearing and derailleurs.
Schwinn high- pressure gumwall Puff tires also help cut down rolling resistance. From racing handlebars to kickstand, the Varsity reflects all the quality and durability thatis Schwinn. No wonder this bike is a best seller!
Best-selling full-size 10-speed in America. Available with 24-inch wheels, too.
Close-up of the Schwinn derailleur system in the women's model Varsity.The Varsity's heavyduty kickstand is an intergral part of the frame. It was designed by Schwinn's own Research and Design facilityand built to their exacting specifications.
Schwinn Deluxe Varsity
10 speed of positive pleasure in a solid lightweight
Men's frame sizes
- 417 17'
- 420 20'
- 422 22'
- 424 24'
- 444 24' wheels
Schwinn Deluxe Varsity for ladies
Womens's frame sizes
- 467 17'
- 470 20'
- 494 24' wheels
Colors: Sky blue, Cardinal Red
For riders who have graduated to 10-speed bikes, the Deluxe Varsity is the machine. Along with its Front Freewheeling FF system, itis equipped with a Positron stem-mounted shift lever which moves each gear with a positive, easily discernible click- and makes crisp,accurate shifts possible even for begginers. Male and female, young and old riders all appreciate this solid lightweight's easy, positiveshifting. (Deluce Varsity is also available in 24-inch wheel model.)
Front Freewheeling FF system allows you to change gears without pedaling.
The Positron derailleur on the sturdy Deluxe Varsity.
See the full 1981 Schwinn catalog.
When you start to number the many virtues of the Schwinn Varsity, it is not difficult to undertand why this full-size, 10-speed bike wins honors, year after year, as America's favorite.
1982 Schwinn Varsity
Men's frame sizes
- 120 20'
- 122 22'
- 124 24'
- 126 26'
Schwinn Varsity for ladies
Women's frame sizes
- 167 17'
- 170 20'
- Colors: Sky blue. Cardinal Red
The Varsity carries extra-strength features for younger riders, including a solid forged steel stem and crankset, chrome-plated steel chainrings, side-pull caliper brakes, tubular steel rims and kickstand. It's crank and wheel bearings makes pedaling particularly smooth, aided by the perfectly aligned Schwinn Electro-forged frame and sophisticated yet simple gearing and derailleurs.
Schwinn high- pressure gumwall Puff tires also help cut down rolling resistance. From racing handlebars to kickstand, the Varsity reflects all the quality and durability that is Schwinn. No wonder this bike is a best seller!
Best-selling full-size 10-speed in America.
Close-up of the Schwinn derailleur system in the women's model Varsity. Women's models are available in two frame sizes, plus color options.
The Varsity's heavyduty kickstand is an intergral part of the frame.
Schwinn Deluxe Varsity
For riders who have graduating into 10-speed bikes, the Deluxe Varsity is the machine.
Men's frame sizes
- 420 20'
- 422 22'
- 424 24'
Schwinn Deluxe Varsity for ladies
Women's frame sizes
- 467 17'
- 470 20'
- Colors: Sky blue, Cardinal Red
Along with its Front Freewheeling FF system, it is equipped with a Positron stem-mounted shift lever which moves each gear with a positive, easily discernible click- and makes crisp, accurate shifts possible even for begginers.
Male and female, young and old riders all appreciate this solid lightweight's easy, positive shifting. Add color options and color-coordinated handlebar tape and it's easy to see why the Deluxe Varsity is a big American favorite.
Excellent choice for your first 10-speed experience
The Positron derailleur on the sturdy Deluxe Varsity.
Front Freewheeling FF system.
Schwinn Puff 27 x 1 1/4' gumwall tires, shown here on ladies' model, contribute toward a more comfortable ride on this popular bike.
See the full 1982 Schwinn catalog.
Schwinn stands for quality and durability.
The heart of every Schwinn standard lightweight or juvenile bicycle is the electroforged frame. Schwinn originated the unique electro-forging process to produce the stongest bicycle frame made today.
The Schwinn Varsity 10-speed is the most popular bicycle ever. It's loaded with features for the younger rider. The Shimano Positron derailleurs and front freewheel is the easiest to learn shifting system available. New alloy hubs and higher pressure tires ride smooth and comfortable, especially atop the new anatomic saddle.
- Mens: 20' and 22' frames: Y30, Y32.
- Ladies': 17' and 20' frames: Y67, Y70. Color: Skyblue.
See the full 1985 Schwinn catalog.
An all new bicycle with a familiar name. The Varsity is just as durable and dependable as ever but is now lighter in weight and styled for today.
- Shimano positron shifting with front freewheel system allows accurate index shifting without pedaling.
- Wide 27' x 1 1/4' steel rims for extra strength and long lasting durability.
- Patented, Schwinn built in kickstand for convenience.
- Frame sizes available, Men's 19', 21' and 23'. Ladies; 17' and 19'. Blue metallic. 719, 721, 723, 757 and 759.
See the full 1986 Schwinn catalog.
Back to Schwinn Bikes.
SERIAL NUMBERS ARE FOUND UNDER BOTTOM BRACKET(On The Bottom Of The Frame, Under The Pedal Crank Housing)
TDM = Tandem.-----WZ and S or S-10 = Whizzer.----- CT or C = Cycletruck.
Date -------------- Serial #`s From ------------------- To
08/18 ------------------ D92598 ------------------- D94798
08/20 ------------------ D94799 ------------------- E01031
08/24 ------------------ E01032 ------------------- E06295
08/25 ------------------ E06296 ------------------- E08151
08/26 ------------------ E08152 --------------------E10665
08/27 ------------------ E10666 ------------------- E16875
08/30 ------------------ E16876 ------------------- E19680
09/01 ------------------ E19681 ------------------- E22535
09/02 ------------------ E22536 ------------------- E24168
09/08 ------------------ E24169 ------------------- E26163
09/08 ------------------ 11001 ------------- 11972 - (WZ)
09/09 ------------------ E26164 ------------------- E28732
09/10 ------------------ E28733 ------------------- E34622
09/14 ------------------ E34623 ------------------- E39033
09/15 ------------------ E39034 ------------------- E41315
09/17 ------------------ E41316 ------------------- E43008
09/18 ------------------ E47196 ------------------- E48889
09/20 ------------------ E48890 ------------------- E51200
09/21 ------------------ E51201 ------------------- E53470
09/22 ------------------ E53471 ------------------- E60376
09/23 ------------------ E60377 ------------------- E61777
09/24 ------------------ E61778 ------------------- E62054
09/25 ------------------ E62055 ------------------- E67000
09/27 ------------------ E067001 ---------------- E067965
09/28 ------------------ E067966 ---------------- E070835
09/29 ------------------ E070836 ---------------- E077505
10/02 ------------------ E077506 ---------------- E083213
10/05 ------------------ 11973 ------------- 12173 - (WZ)
10/05 ------------------ 1 ---------------- 160 - (24' S-10)
10/07 ------------------ E088017 ---------------- E089140
10/08 ------------------ E089141 ---------------- E095828
10/09 ------------------ E095829 ---------------- E096520
10/09 ------------------ 12174 ------------- 12564 - (WZ)
10/11 ------------------ E096521 ---------------- E096744
10/12 ------------------ E896745 ---------------- E100558
10/13 ------------------ E100559 ---------------- E105492
10/13 ------------------ C50000 ------------ C50920 - (C)
10/14 ------------------ 12565 -------------- 12960 - (WZ)
10/15 ------------------ E105493 ---------------- E108638
10/18 ------------------ E108639 ---------------- E114278
10/18 ------------------ 161 -------------- 315 - (24' S-10)
10/19 ------------------ E114279 ---------------- E115625
10/21 ------------------ E115626 ---------------- E117457
10/22 ------------------ E117458 ---------------- E121536
10/22 ------------------ E096521 ---------------- E096837
10/22 ------------------ 316 -------------- 491 - (24' S-10)
10/23 ------------------ 12961 -------------- 13398 - (WZ)
10/25 ------------------ E121537 ---------------- E124436
10/26 ------------------ E124437 ---------------- E126914
10/27 ------------------ E126915 ---------------- E130542
10/27 ------------------ 49 ------------- 1058 - (24' S-10)
10/28 ------------------ E130543 ---------------- E133874
11/01 ------------------ E133875 ---------------- E138612
11/02 ------------------ E138613 ---------------- E142710
11/03 ------------------ E142911 ---------------- E144810
11/04 ------------------ E144811 ---------------- E148000
11/05 ------------------ E149727 ---------------- E149727
11/06 ------------------ E149728 ---------------- E150965
11/08 ------------------ E150966 ---------------- E155692
11/08 ------------------ C50951 ------------ C51138 - (C)
11/09 ------------------ E155693 ---------------- E159051
11/10 ------------------ E159052 ---------------- E159712
11/11 ------------------ E159713 ---------------- E163763
11/11 ------------------ 1059 ---------- 1134 - (24' S-10)
11/12 ------------------ E163764 ---------------- E165615
11/13 ------------------ 160331 ------------- 160595 - (C)
11/13 ------------------ E165616 ---------------- E169489
11/15 ------------------ E169490 ---------------- E171960
11/16 ------------------ E171961 ---------------- E175256
11/17 ------------------ E175522 ---------------- E177942
11/18 ------------------ E177943 ---------------- E182291
11/19 ------------------ E182292 ---------------- E187278
11/20 ------------------ E187279 ---------------- E189990
11/22 ------------------ E189991 ---------------- E192504
11/23 ------------------ E192505 ---------------- E192728
11/24 ------------------ E192729 ---------------- E198105
11/26 ------------------ E198106 ---------------- E201774
11/26 ------------------ 1135 ---------- 3447 - (24' S-10)
11/29 ------------------ E201775 ---------------- E203630
11/30 ------------------ E203631 ---------------- E208661
12/01 ------------------ E208662 ---------------- E215055
12/03 ------------------ E215056 ---------------- E219630
12/06 ------------------ E219631 ---------------- E222380
12/07 ------------------ E222381 ---------------- E228016
12/09 ------------------ E228107 ---------------- E236125
12/10 ------------------ E236126 ---------------- E243008
12/13 ------------------ E243009 ---------------- E253940
12/14 ------------------ E253941 ---------------- E258206
12/16 ------------------ E258207 ---------------- E262103
Date -------------- Serial #`s From ------------------ To
01/11 ------------------ F000100 ---------------- F000500
01/12 ------------------ F000501 ---------------- F003860
01/13 ------------------ F003861 ---------------- F005681
01/17 ------------------ F005682 ---------------- F008029
01/19 ------------------ T001000 ----- T001217 -(TDM)
01/20 ------------------ F008030 ---------------- F008531
01/24 ------------------ F008532 ---------------- F009130
01/25 ------------------ F009131 ---------------- F012401
02/02 ------------------ F012402 ---------------- F014607
02/03 ------------------ F014608 ---------------- F017185
02 09 ------------------ F017186 ---------------- F020117
02/14 ------------------ F020118 ---------------- F022452
02/14 ------------------ F160598 -------- F161061 -(CT)
02/16 ------------------ F022453 ---------------- F022656
02/16 ------------------ F161062 -------- F161076 -(CT)
02/24 ------------------ F022657 ---------------- F023609
02/25 ------------------ F023610 ---------------- F024596
02/28 ------------------ F024597 ---------------- F027345
03/01 ------------------ F027346 ---------------- F029250
03/02 ------------------ F029251 ---------------- F030860
03/03 ------------------ F030861 ---------------- F031017
03/04 ------------------ F031018 ---------------- F033700
03/07 ------------------ F033701 ---------------- F036721
03/10 ------------------ F036722 ---------------- F039225
03/11 ------------------ F039226 ---------------- F039695
03/14 ------------------ F039696 ---------------- F041270
03/15 ------------------ F041271 ---------------- F041306
03/23 ------------------ F041307 ---------------- F043555
03/24 ------------------ F053556 ---------------- F044854
03/25 ------------------ F044855 ---------------- F046570
03/28 ------------------ F046571 ---------------- F050944
03/29 ------------------ F050945 ---------------- F051425
03/30 ------------------ F051426 ---------------- F053957
03/31 ------------------ F053958 ---------------- F056184
04/05 ------------------ 5000 ------------- 5810 -(WZ-14)
04/06 ------------------ F056185 ---------------- F059614
04/07 ------------------ F059615 ---------------- F061875
04/15 ------------------ F061876 ---------------- F054661
04/18 ------------------ F064662 ---------------- F064896
04/18 ------------------ F161066 -------- F161842 -(CT)
04/19 ------------------ F064897 ---------------- F065585
04/28 ------------------ F056686 ---------------- F068830
05/02 ------------------ F068831 ---------------- F070013
05/03 ------------------ F070014 ---------------- F074004
05/04 ------------------ F074005 ---------------- F078533
05/05 ------------------ F078534 ---------------- F080534
05/06 ------------------ F080535 ---------------- F081734
05/10 ------------------ F081735 ---------------- F082530
05/11 ------------------ F082531 ---------------- F085905
05/12 ------------------ F085906 ---------------- F087081
05/13 ------------------ F087082 ---------------- F088821
05/16 ------------------ F088822 ---------------- F091504
05/17 ------------------ F091505 ---------------- F092278
05/18 ------------------ F092279 ---------------- F092685
05/19 ------------------ F092686 ---------------- F093770
05/20 ------------------ F092771 ---------------- F095858
05/23 ------------------ F096859 ---------------- F099926
05/25 ------------------ F099927 ---------------- F101278
05/26 ------------------ F101279 ---------------- F102801
05/26 ------------------ F161843 -------- F162243 -(CT)
05/31 ------------------ F162244 -------- F163107 -(CT)
05/31 ------------------ 3825 --------------- 4144 - (S-10)
06/01 ------------------ F102502 ---------------- F104596
06/03 ------------------ 4415 --------------- 5214 - (S-10)
06/03 ------------------ F104597 ---------------- F106030
06/06 ------------------ F106031 ---------------- F107663
06/07 ------------------ F107664 ---------------- F109420
06/08 ------------------ F109421 ---------------- F109917
06/09 ------------------ F109918 ---------------- F111576
06/10 ------------------ F111579 ---------------- F113115
06/13 ------------------ F113116 ---------------- F114620
06/14 ------------------ F114621 ---------------- F115934
06/21 ------------------ F115935 ---------------- F116385
06/22 ------------------ F116386 ---------------- F123830
06/23 ------------------ F123831 ---------------- F124530
06/24 ------------------ F124531 ---------------- F124957
06/28 ------------------ F124958 ---------------- F128575
07/07 ------------------ F128576 ---------------- F140529
07/08 ------------------ F140530 ---------------- F141900
07/12 ------------------ F141901 ---------------- F142520
07/13 ------------------ F142521 ---------------- F145383
07/13 ------------------ 5811 ------------- 5860 -(WZ-14)
07/14 ------------------ 5861 ------------- 6377 -(WZ-14)
07/14 ------------------ F146384 ---------------- F145902
07/15 ------------------ F145903 ---------------- F148906
07/19 ------------------ F148907 ---------------- F149517
07/21 ------------------ F149518 ---------------- F152755
07/22 ------------------ F152756 ---------------- F153086
07/22 ------------------ 5215 ---------------- 5426 -(S-10)
0727 ------------------- F153087 ---------------- F159018
07/28 ------------------ F159019 --------------- F162260
08/04 ------------------ F162261 ---------------- F162756
08/05 ------------------ F162757 ---------------- F164139
08/08 ------------------ F164140 ---------------- F165200
08/09 ------------------ F165201 ---------------- F166220
08/11 ------------------ F166221 ---------------- F167600
08/12 ------------------ F167601 ---------------- F170300
08/15 ------------------ F170301 ---------------- F173300
08/16 ------------------ F173301 ---------------- F176300
08/17 ------------------ F176301 ---------------- F179098
08/18 ------------------ F179099 ---------------- F179099
08/19 ------------------ F179701 ---------------- F181554
08/22 ------------------ F171555 ---------------- F183260
08/23 ------------------ F183261 ---------------- F184200
08/24 ------------------ F184201 ---------------- F186279
08/30 ------------------ F186280 ---------------- F187548
08/31 ------------------ F187549 ---------------- F192652
09/01 ------------------ 6378 ------------- 6664 -(WZ-14)
09/01 ------------------ F192653 ---------------- F193361
09/02 ------------------ F193362 ---------------- F196320
09/07 ------------------ F196321 ---------------- F200075
09/08 ------------------ F200076 ---------------- F201998
09/08 ------------------ 6665 ------------- 6824 -(WZ-14)
09/09 ------------------ 6825 ------------- 6950 -(WZ-14)
09/10 ------------------ F201999 ---------------- F204548
09/12 ------------------ F204549 ---------------- F205986
09/13 ------------------ F205987 ---------------- F207522
09/13 ------------------ 6951 ------------- 7408 -(WZ-14)
09/13 ------------------ F207523 ---------------- F208451
09/14 ------------------ F208452 ---------------- F210160
09/15 ------------------ F210161 ---------------- F212776
09/16 ------------------ F212777 ---------------- F216695
09/19 ------------------ F216696 ---------------- F219225
09/20 ------------------ F219226 ---------------- F223050
09/21 ------------------ F223051 ---------------- F223567
09/22 ------------------ F223568 ---------------- F225492
09/22 ------------------ 5427 ---------------- 5661 -(S-10)
09/23 ------------------ 5662 ---------------- 5986 -(S-10)
09/24 ------------------ F225493 ---------------- F227195
09/26 ------------------ F227196 ---------------- F228572
09/27 ------------------ F228573 ---------------- F230839
09/28 ------------------ F230840 ---------------- F239082
10/01 ------------------ F239083 ---------------- F250102
10/03 ------------------ F250103 ---------------- F251729
10/04 ------------------ F251730 ---------------- F254203
10/05 ------------------ F234204 ---------------- F256127
10/06 ------------------ F256128 ---------------- F258271
10/07 ------------------ F258272 ---------------- F261701
10/08 ------------------ F261702 ---------------- F264656
10/11 ------------------ F264657 ---------------- F266910
10/12 ------------------ F266911 ---------------- F269323
10/13 ------------------ F269324 ---------------- F272967
10/14 ------------------ F272968 ---------------- F275327
10/17 ------------------ F275328 ---------------- F278669
10/19 ------------------ F278670 ---------------- F282536
10/20 ------------------ F282537 ---------------- F284927
10/21 ------------------ F284928 ---------------- F286436
10/22 ------------------ F286437 ---------------- F297817
10/24 ------------------ F287818 ---------------- F291684
10/25 ------------------ F291685 ---------------- F292555
10/26 ------------------ F292556 ---------------- F295279
10/27 ------------------ F295280 ---------------- F298290
10/28 ------------------ F298291 ---------------- F302087
10/29 ------------------ F302088 ---------------- F303037
11/01 ------------------ F303038 ---------------- F308306
11/02 ------------------ F308307 ---------------- F309647
11/03 ------------------ F309648 ---------------- S312650
11/04 ------------------ S312651 ---------------- S315855
11/07 ------------------ S315856 ---------------- S318300
11/08 ------------------ S318301 ---------------- S321357
11/10 ------------------ F321358 ---------------- F326178
11/11 ------------------ F326179 ---------------- F331736
11/14 ------------------ F331737 ---------------- F333674
11/15 ------------------ F331737 ---------------- F333674
11/16 ------------------ F336648 ---------------- F339451
11/17 ------------------ F339452 ---------------- F341662
11/18 ------------------ F341663 ---------------- F344772
11/23 ------------------ F344773 ---------------- F345341
11/28 ------------------ F345342 ---------------- F347192
11/29 ------------------ F347193 ---------------- F348329
11/30 ------------------ F348330 ---------------- F349001
12/01 ------------------ F349002 ---------------- F351066
12/02 ------------------ F351067 ---------------- F353697
12/05 ------------------ F353698 ---------------- F354167
12/06 ------------------ F354168 ---------------- F357000
12/07 ------------------ F357001 ---------------- F360972
12/08 ------------------ F350973 ---------------- F362342
12/09 ------------------ F362343 ---------------- F364549
12/09 ------------------ G000100 --------------- G000769
12/12 ------------------ G000770 --------------- G001796
12/13 ------------------ G001797 --------------- G002560
12/21 ------------------ G002561 --------------- G003166
Date -------------- Serial #`s From ------------------ To
01/04 ------------------ G003167 --------------- G003882
01/05 ------------------ G003883 --------------- G004588
01/06 ------------------ G004589 --------------- G005810
01/06 ------------------ 5987 --------------- 6244 - (S-10)
01/09 ------------------ G005811 --------------- G006667
01/10 ------------------ G006668 --------------- G008632
01/11 ------------------ G008633 --------------- G009906
01/12 ------------------ G009907 --------------- G011281
01/16 ------------------ G011282 --------------- G014014
01/17 ------------------ G014015 --------------- G015002
01/18 ------------------ G015003 --------------- G016032
01/19 ------------------ G016033 --------------- G017184
01/23 ------------------ G017185 --------------- G018111
01/27 ------------------ G018112 --------------- G019313
01/30 ------------------ G109314 --------------- G021800
01/31 ------------------ G021801 --------------- G022876
02/01 ------------------ G022877 --------------- G023821
02/02 ------------------ G023822 --------------- G025993
02/03 ------------------ G025994 --------------- G030026
02/09 ------------------ G030027 --------------- G031675
02/13 ------------------ G031676 --------------- G032303
02/14 ------------------ G032304 --------------- G032517
02/15 ------------------ G032518 --------------- G033025
02/16 ------------------ G033030 --------------- G036616
02/20 ------------------ G036617 --------------- G039707
02/21 ------------------ G039708 --------------- G041058
02/23 ------------------ G044550 --------------- G045636
03/01 ------------------ G045637 --------------- G048298
03/02 ------------------ G048299 --------------- G051293
03/09 ------------------ G051294 --------------- G055229
03/10 ------------------ G055230 --------------- G056900
03/15 ------------------ G056901 --------------- G060529
03/16 ------------------ G060530 --------------- G062043
03/17 ------------------ G062044 --------------- G063680
03/20 ------------------ G063681 --------------- G063815
03/21 ------------------ G063816 --------------- G064388
03/22 ------------------ G064389 --------------- G066882
03/28 ------------------ G066883 --------------- G071208
03/29 ------------------ G071209 --------------- G076119
03/30 ------------------ G076120 --------------- G077022
04/04 ------------------ G077023 --------------- G079732
04/05 ------------------ G079733 --------------- G081383
04/06 ------------------ G081384 --------------- G084104
04/07 ------------------ G084105 --------------- G086704
04/08 ------------------ G086705 --------------- G087624
04/14 ------------------ G087625 --------------- G087860
04/15 ------------------ G087861 --------------- G092099
04/19 ------------------ G092100 --------------- G093117
04/20 ------------------ G093118 --------------- G096994
04/21 ------------------ G096995 --------------- G097717
04/24 ------------------ G097718 --------------- G097817
04/25 ------------------ G097818 --------------- G100762
04/27 ------------------ G100763 --------------- G100886
04/28 ------------------ G100887 --------------- G104869
05/01 ------------------ G104870 --------------- G105610
05/02 ------------------ G105611 --------------- G109131
05/05 ------------------ G109132 --------------- G113071
05/08 ------------------ G113072 --------------- G113243
05/10 ------------------ G113244 --------------- G116450
05/11 ------------------ G116451 --------------- G117988
05/15 ------------------ G117989 --------------- G121887
05/16 ------------------ G121888 --------------- G125854
05/22 ------------------ G125855 --------------- G129609
05/23 ------------------ G129610 --------------- G131255
05/24 ------------------ G131256 --------------- G132953
05/25 ------------------ G132954 --------------- G134332
05/26 ------------------ G134333 --------------- G135833
05/31 ------------------ G135834 --------------- G137525
06/02 ------------------ G137526 --------------- G138507
06/03 ------------------ G138508 --------------- G141060
06/06 ------------------ G141061 --------------- G142855
06/07 ------------------ G142856 --------------- G144570
06/09 ------------------ G144571 --------------- G148282
06/10 ------------------ G148283 --------------- G149517
06/14 ------------------ G149518 --------------- G152854
06/15 ------------------ G152855 --------------- G153860
06/16 ------------------ G153861 --------------- G156870
06/19 ------------------ G156871 --------------- G158321
06/20 ------------------ G158322 --------------- G160725
06/21 ------------------ G160726 --------------- G164581
06/22 ------------------ G164582 --------------- G165623
06/26 ------------------ G165624 --------------- G168858
06/27 ------------------ G168859 --------------- G169492
06/28 ------------------ G169493 --------------- G169817
06/29 ------------------ G169818 --------------- G174819
07/05 ------------------ G174820 --------------- G176621
07/06 ------------------ G176622 --------------- G182154
07/07 ------------------ G182155 --------------- G184957
07/10 ------------------ G184958 --------------- G185558
07/11 ------------------ G185559 --------------- G189017
07/12 ------------------ G189018 --------------- G189840
07/14 ------------------ G189841 --------------- G193005
07/15 ------------------ G194099 --------------- G196902
07/17 ------------------ G196903 --------------- G199576
07/18 ------------------ G199577 --------------- G202544
07/18 ------------------ T002347 ----- T002490 -(TDM)
07/19 ------------------ T002491 ----- T002662 -(TDM)
07/19 ------------------ G206545 --------------- G206149
07/20 ------------------ G206150 --------------- G209531
07/21 ------------------ G209532 --------------- G211886
07/24 ------------------ G211887 --------------- G214820
07/24 ------------------ T002663 ----- T003035 -(TDM)
07/26 ------------------ G214821 --------------- G216817
07/27 ------------------ G216818 --------------- G220005
07/29 ------------------ G220006 --------------- G221341
07/31 ------------------ G221342 --------------- G225988
08/02 ------------------ G225989 --------------- G230686
08/03 ------------------ G230687 --------------- G233434
08/05 ------------------ G233435 --------------- G237740
08/07 ------------------ G237741 --------------- G241928
08/08 ------------------ G241929 --------------- G244594
08/10 ------------------ G244595 --------------- G348427
08/11 ------------------ G248428 --------------- G250467
08/12 ------------------ G250468 --------------- G253975
08/14 ------------------ G253976 --------------- G255057
08/15 ------------------ G255058 --------------- G257940
08/16 ------------------ G257941 --------------- G263683
08/18 ------------------ G263684 --------------- G266700
08/19 ------------------ G266701 --------------- G266830
08/21 ------------------ G266831 --------------- G268106
08/23 ------------------ G268107 --------------- G274294
08/24 ------------------ G274295 --------------- G276481
08/25 ------------------ G276482 --------------- G278030
08/26 ------------------ G278031 --------------- G280470
08/28 ------------------ G280471 --------------- G281050
08/29 ------------------ G281051 --------------- G284743
08/30 ------------------ G284744 --------------- G285943
08/31 ------------------ G285944 --------------- G288335
09/01 ------------------ G288336 --------------- G289468
09/02 ------------------ G289469 --------------- G291019
09/05 ------------------ G291020 --------------- G293357
09/06 ------------------ G293358 --------------- G294890
09/06 ------------------ Z294891 --------------- Z297346
09/07 ------------------ Z297347 --------------- Z197714
09/08 ------------------ Z297715 --------------- Z306173
09/11 ------------------ Z306174 --------------- Z310129
09/12 ------------------ G310130 --------------- G310677
09/13 ------------------ G310678 --------------- G315377
09/14 ------------------ G315378 --------------- G317087
09/15 ------------------ G317088 --------------- G318060
09/16 ------------------ G318061 --------------- Z320777
09/18 ------------------ Z320778 --------------- Z323969
09/19 ------------------ Z323970 --------------- Z329320
09/20 ------------------ Z329321 --------------- Z331266
09/21 ------------------ Z331267 --------------- Z355122
09/22 ------------------ G335123 --------------- G337915
09/23 ------------------ G337916 --------------- G338169
09/25 ------------------ G338190 --------------- G343221
09/25 ------------------ Z343222 --------------- Z344487
09/26 ------------------ Z344488 --------------- Z346220
09/27 ------------------ Z346221 --------------- Z348377
09/28 ------------------ Z348378 --------------- Z349197
09/29 ------------------ Z349198 --------------- Z354441
09/30 ------------------ Z354442 --------------- Z355965
10/02 ------------------ G355966 --------------- G357894
10/03 ------------------ G357895 --------------- G360879
10/04 ------------------ G360880 --------------- G363806
10/05 ------------------ G363807 --------------- G369350
10/06 ------------------ G369351 --------------- G370175
10/07 ------------------ G370176 --------------- G372089
10/09 ------------------ G372090 --------------- G374525
10/10 ------------------ G374526 --------------- G379425
10/11 ------------------ G379426 --------------- G382269
10/12 ------------------ G382270 --------------- G383547
10/13 ------------------ G383548 --------------- G387419
10/14 ------------------ G387420 --------------- G389070
10/16 ------------------ G389071 --------------- G394069
10/17 ------------------ G394070 --------------- G399253
10/18 ------------------ G399254 --------------- G400317
10/19 ------------------ G400318 --------------- G402850
10/20 ------------------ G402851 --------------- G407188
10/21 ------------------ G407189 --------------- G408922
10/23 ------------------ G408923 --------------- G410734
10/25 ------------------ G414995 --------------- G419361
10/26 ------------------ G419362 --------------- G421095
10/27 ------------------ G421096 --------------- G421595
10/28 ------------------ G421596 --------------- G423354
10/30 ------------------ G423355 --------------- G428292
10/31 ------------------ G428293 --------------- G432985
Schwinn Stingray Serial Number Chart
11/01 ------------------ G432966 --------------- G437719
11/03 ------------------ G437720 --------------- G438388
11/06 ------------------ G438389 --------------- G440000
11/07 ------------------ G440001 --------------- G442218
11/08 ------------------ G442219 --------------- G446538
11/09 ------------------ G446539 --------------- G449310
11/10 ------------------ G449311 --------------- G452709
11/13 ------------------ G452710 --------------- G454288
11/14 ------------------ G452289 --------------- G458604
11/15 ------------------ G458605 --------------- G461128
11/16 ------------------ G461129 --------------- G466094
11/17 ------------------ G466095 --------------- G467788
11/20 ------------------ G467789 --------------- G472166
11/21 ------------------ G472167 --------------- G475388
11/22 ------------------ G475389 --------------- G477862
11/24 ------------------ G477863 --------------- G480985
11/25 ------------------ G480986 --------------- G482234
11/27 ------------------ G482235 --------------- G484725
11/28 ------------------ G484726 --------------- G488750
11/29 ------------------ G488751 --------------- G492265
11/30 ------------------ G492266 --------------- G494657
12/01 ------------------ G494658 --------------- G498011
12/02 ------------------ G498012 --------------- G498913
12/04 ------------------ G498914 --------------- G501109
12/05 ------------------ G501110 --------------- G505173
12/06 ------------------ G505174 --------------- G508234
12/07 ------------------ G508235 --------------- G511339
12/08 ------------------ G511340 --------------- G514244
12/09 ------------------ G514245 --------------- G515655
12/11 ------------------ G515656 --------------- G518474
12/12 ------------------ G518475 --------------- G520248
12/13 ------------------ G520249 --------------- G522196
12/14 ------------------ G522197 --------------- G523026
12/15 ------------------ G523027 --------------- G526251
12/16 ------------------ G526252 --------------- G526676
12/18 ------------------ G526677 --------------- G529427
12/19 ------------------ G529428 --------------- G530233
12/20 ------------------ G530234 --------------- G531230
12/30 ------------------ H000001 --------------- H000666
Date -------------- Serial #`s From ------------------ To
01/02 ------------------ H000667 --------------- H003135
01/03 ------------------ H003136 --------------- H004697
01/04 ------------------ H004698 --------------- H008302
01/05 ------------------ H008303 --------------- H011100
01/08 ------------------ H011101 --------------- H013371
01/09 ------------------ H013372 --------------- H017224
01/10 ------------------ H017225 --------------- H017591
01/11 ------------------ H017592 --------------- H019970
01/12 ------------------ H019971 --------------- H024487
01/16 ------------------ H024488 --------------- H030300
01/17 ------------------ H030301 --------------- H031946
01/19 ------------------ H031947 --------------- H032926
01/20 ------------------ H032927 --------------- H036041
01/22 ------------------ H036042 --------------- H041541
01/23 ------------------ H041542 --------------- H043956
01/24 ------------------ H043957 --------------- H047025
01/25 ------------------ H047026 --------------- H048462
01/26 ------------------ H048463 --------------- H051437
01/30 ------------------ H051438 --------------- H056703
01/31 ------------------ H056704 --------------- H056853
02/02 ------------------ H056854 --------------- H062645
02/05 ------------------ H062646 --------------- H062947
02/06 ------------------ H062948 --------------- H064765
02/07 ------------------ H064766 --------------- H069076
02/08 ------------------ H069077 --------------- H070093
02/09 ------------------ H070094 --------------- H073025
02/10 ------------------ H073026 --------------- H075031
02/13 ------------------ H075032 --------------- H080198
02/14 ------------------ H080199 --------------- H082675
02/15 ------------------ H082676 --------------- H086409
02/16 ------------------ H086410 --------------- H087324
02/19 ------------------ H087325 --------------- H091063
02/20 ------------------ H090164 --------------- H093830
02/21 ------------------ H093831 --------------- H098656
02/22 ------------------ H098657 --------------- H099250
02/23 ------------------ H099251 --------------- H102707
02/23 ------------------ H166581 ------ H166853 - (CT)
02/24 ------------------ H102708 --------------- H105506
02/26 ------------------ H105507 --------------- H105927
02/27 ------------------ H105928 --------------- H109910
02/28 ------------------ H109911 --------------- H115668
03/01 ------------------ H115669 --------------- H116760
03/02 ------------------ H166854 ------ H167354 - (CT)
03/02 ------------------ H116761 --------------- H121489
03/05 ------------------ H121490 --------------- H125458
03/07 ------------------ H125459 --------------- H128475
03/08 ------------------ H128476 --------------- H132403
03/09 ------------------ H132404 --------------- H133782
03/10 ------------------ H133783 --------------- H137727
03/13 ------------------ H137728 --------------- H141813
03/14 ------------------ H141814 --------------- H144335
03/15 ------------------ H144336 --------------- H147408
03/16 ------------------ H147409 --------------- H151230
03/19 ------------------ H151231 --------------- H153981
03/21 ------------------ H153982 --------------- H158170
03/21 ------------------ 6657 ---------------- 7018 - (WZ)
03/22 ------------------ H158171 --------------- H161181
03/26 ------------------ H161182 --------------- H165571
03/27 ------------------ H165572 --------------- H169219
03/28 ------------------ 7019 ---------------- 7738 - (WZ)
03/30 ------------------ H169220 --------------- H173339
Schwinn Paramount Serial Number Chart
04/02 ------------------ H173340 --------------- H174201
04/03 ------------------ H174203 --------------- H175805
04/05 ------------------ H175806 --------------- H178304
04/09 ------------------ H178305 --------------- H180906
04/10 ------------------ H180907 --------------- H181031
04/11 ------------------ H181032 --------------- H183970
04/17 ------------------ H183971 --------------- H186587
04/18 ------------------ H185588 --------------- H187965
04/22 ------------------ H187967 --------------- H188234
04/23 ------------------ H188235 --------------- H190904
04/24 ------------------ H190905 --------------- H192599
04/27 ------------------ H192600 --------------- H194164
05/01 ------------------ H194165 --------------- H197085
05/02 ------------------ H197086 --------------- H198685
05/03 ------------------ H198686 --------------- H200856
05/04 ------------------ 7739 --------------- 8110 - (S-10)
05/04 ------------------ H200857 --------------- H201444
05/09 ------------------ H201445 --------------- H205745
05/10 ------------------ H205746 --------------- H208681
05/11 ------------------ H208682 --------------- H210707
05/15 ------------------ H210708 --------------- H213476
05/16 ------------------ H213477 --------------- H214804
05/25 ------------------ H214805 --------------- H219521
05/28 ------------------ H219522 --------------- H220817
05/29 ------------------ H220818 --------------- H221585
05/31 ------------------ H221586 --------------- H222761
06/04 ------------------ H222762 --------------- H223650
06/05 ------------------ H223651 --------------- H225952
06/06 ------------------ H225926 --------------- H227400
06/08 ------------------ H227401 --------------- H228923
06/11 ------------------ H228924 --------------- H231029
06/12 ------------------ H231030 --------------- H234590
06/13 ------------------ H234591 --------------- H237432
06/18 ------------------ H237433 --------------- H238695
06/20 ------------------ H238696 --------------- H242174
06/21 ------------------ H242175 --------------- H243289
06/26 ------------------ H243290 --------------- H247255
06/27 ------------------ H247256 --------------- H247825
06/28 ------------------ H247826 --------------- H248120
06/29 ------------------ H248121 --------------- H250103
07/03 ------------------ H250104 --------------- H253020
07/05 ------------------ H253021 --------------- H256718
07/06 ------------------ H265719 --------------- H259577
07/12 ------------------ H259578 --------------- H262713
07/13 ------------------ H262714 --------------- H265106
07/17 ------------------ H265107 --------------- H265738
07/18 ------------------ H265739 --------------- H267200
07/20 ------------------ H267201 --------------- H269267
07/24 ------------------ H269268 --------------- H272628
07/24 ------------------ H272629 ------ H273272 - (CT)
07/26 ------------------ H273273 --------------- H273800
07/27 ------------------ H273801 --------------- H275986
07/30 ------------------ H275987 --------------- H277013
07/31 ------------------ H277014 --------------- H279114
08/01 ------------------ H280369 --------------- H281715
08/03 ------------------ H281716 --------------- H283794
08/06 ------------------ H283795 --------------- H286397
08/08 ------------------ H286398 --------------- H298404
08/09 ------------------ H298405 --------------- H299500
08/10 ------------------ H299501 --------------- H302250
08/13 ------------------ H302251 --------------- H305223
08/14 ------------------ H305224 --------------- H307109
08/16 ------------------ H307110 --------------- H309444
08/17 ------------------ H309445 --------------- H312285
08/20 ------------------ H312285 --------------- H314783
08/22 ------------------ H314784 --------------- H316711
08/27 ------------------ H316712 --------------- H319644
08/28 ------------------ H318645 --------------- H322307
08/30 ------------------ H322308 --------------- H326837
08/31 ------------------ H326838 --------------- H330737
09/06 ------------------ H330738 --------------- H334261
09/10 ------------------ H334262 --------------- H335227
09/11 ------------------ H335228 --------------- H338026
09/12 ------------------ H338027 --------------- H338253
09/13 ------------------ H338254 --------------- H339846
09/14 ------------------ H339847 --------------- H341753
09/17 ------------------ H341754 --------------- H343404
09/18 ------------------ H343405 --------------- H346627
09/19 ------------------ H346628 --------------- H347558
09/20 ------------------ H347559 --------------- H352000
09/21 ------------------ H352001 --------------- H352500
09/22 ------------------ H352501 --------------- H352790
09/25 ------------------ H352791 --------------- H354450
09/26 ------------------ H354451 --------------- H356643
09/27 ------------------ H356644 --------------- H359505
09/28 ------------------ H359506 --------------- H359750
10/01 ------------------ H359751 --------------- H363293
10/02 ------------------ H363294 --------------- H363886
10/02 ------------------ H363887 --------------- H365293
10/03 ------------------ H365294 --------------- H367156
10/04 ------------------ H367157 --------------- H368842
10/08 ------------------ H368843 --------------- H372660
10/09 ------------------ H372661 --------------- H374340
10/11 ------------------ H374341 --------------- H377704
10/14 ------------------ H377705 --------------- H380334
10/15 ------------------ H380335 --------------- H380984
10/16 ------------------ H380985 --------------- H384291
10/17 ------------------ H384292 --------------- H384949
10/18 ------------------ H384950 --------------- H389574
10/19 ------------------ H389575 --------------- H394022
10/23 ------------------ H394023 --------------- H395462
10/24 ------------------ H395463 --------------- H400000
10/25 ------------------ H400001 --------------- H403921
10/26 ------------------ H403922 --------------- H407070
10/27 ------------------ H407071 --------------- H408159
10/29 ------------------ H408160 --------------- H409745
10/30 ------------------ H409746 --------------- H411346
10/31 ------------------ H411347 --------------- H412703
Vintage Schwinn Serial Number Chart
11/02 ------------------ H412704 --------------- H415028
11/02 ------------------ A01370 ------------------ A03490
11/03 ------------------ H415029 --------------- H415615
11/05 ------------------ H415616 --------------- H416609
11/05 ------------------ A02491 ------------------- A03601
11/06 ------------------ H416610 --------------- H417846
11/07 ------------------ H417847 --------------- H421135
11/07 ------------------ A03602 ------------------ A06488
11/08 ------------------ A06489 ------------------ A09750
11/09 ------------------ H421136 --------------- H421909
11/10 ------------------ A09751 ------------------ A10602
11/12 ------------------ H421910 --------------- H423030
11/12 ------------------ A10603 ------------------ A16567
11/13 ------------------ A16568 ------------------ A18667
11/13 ------------------ H423031 --------------- H423529
11/14 ------------------ A18668 ------------------ A19648
11/15 ------------------ A19649 ------------------ A27567
11/15 ------------------ H423530 --------------- H424733
11/16 ------------------ A27568 ------------------ A35127
11/16 ------------------ H424734 --------------- H425331
11/17 ------------------ A35128 ------------------ A37987
11/19 ------------------ A37988 ------------------ A40206
11/19 ------------------ H425332 --------------- H427225
11/21 ------------------ H427226 --------------- H428902
11/24 ------------------ A40207 ------------------ A42267
11/26 ------------------ A42268 ------------------ A45258
11/26 ------------------ H428903 --------------- H429484
11/27 ------------------ A45259 ------------------ A49740
11/27 ------------------ H429485 --------------- H430026
11/28 ------------------ A49741 ------------------ A51915
11/28 ------------------ H430027 --------------- H430472
11/29 ------------------ H430473 --------------- H431072
12/01 to 12/03 ------- H431073 --------------- H432234
12/05 ------------------ H432235 --------------- H433570
12/06 to 12/14 ------- H433571 --------------- H437160
12/08 ------------------ A52922 ------------------- A55349
12/10 ------------------ A55350 ------------------- A58712
12/11 ------------------ A58713 ------------------- A62615
12/12 ------------------ A62616 ------------------- A63984
12/13 ------------------ A63985 ------------------- A64354
12/14 ------------------ A64355 ------------------- A65380
12/15 to 12/22 ------- A65381 ------------------- A87593