Garageband Sample Projects
You can create sampler instruments in GarageBand by dragging sample files to the keys of the Musical Typing keyboard but it's a laborious process. Logic Pro's EXS24 Sample Instrument Editor has a load more features that make creating sampler instruments quick and easy, and allows for the editing of an wide range of parameters, none of which is. Store your projects in the cloud and restore them at any time. Invite anyone to collaborate on your projects or remix them, publicly or privately. Gain more exposure as your projects rack up likes, comments and plays! Buy & sell on our democratic marketplace and reach a worldwide audience with the Blend Label. As soon as you open up a blank project, GarageBand will prompt you to create a new track. Select the option with the microphone symbol. Make sure you head over to the track header section on the left and rename your vocal track, choosing something that is going to help you easily identify the track when it’s lost among 30 others. Once you have everything set in BeatHawk. You'll want to save your settings and samples as a Project. In the Main Menu, you'll find the Save Project selection, where you can save everything as a project. Now when we open GarageBand we can recall everything just like we did earlier, but now you have sounds from your own sample library ready to go.
Learning how to Sample in GarageBand is super simple and a great way to add some unique sounds you don’t have access to from within the program itself.
In typical GarageBand style, the Sampler interface is straightforward to get to grips with, meaning you can dive in and get started right away.
In the video below I show you where to find the Sampler, how to load up your own samples, how to add them to your project and how to add third party instrument sounds too.

Samples For Garageband
Now that you know how to sample in GarageBand, what plugin would you like to see me cover next? Leave a comment and let me know or get in touch on Facebook or Twitter.